READ ME +++++++++ The data is for figers in the paper 'Phase-field modelling of gravity-capillary waves on a miscible interface' to be published in The European Physical Journal E Authors: A. Vorobev (Energy and Technology Research Group, Faculty of Engineering Sciences and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom), email: A. Ivantsov (Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, Perm 614013, Russia) T. Lyubimova (Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, Perm 614013, Russia) The dataset is available from the University of Southampton Institutional Repository, The dataset consists of: "fig1- 200x200 t=20.dat" & - a text file prepared for Tecplot with the data for Fig. 1a. "fig1- 400x400 t=20.dat" - a text file prepared for Tecplot with the data for Fig. 1b. "fig1- integrals 200x200.dat" & "fig1- integrals 400x400.dat" - text files prepared for Tecplot with the data for Fig. 1c. fig2.xls - an excel spreadsheet with the data for Fig. 2. fig3.xls - an excel spreadsheet with the data for Fig. 3. fig4.xls - an excel spreadsheet with the data for Fig. 4. "fig5- Pe=5e4.plt", "fig5- Pe=5e4_noflow.plt", "fig5- Pe=1e5.plt", "fig5- Pe=1e5_noflow.plt", "fig5- Pe=1e6.plt", & "fig5- Pe=1e6_noflow.plt" - text files (in Tecplot format) with the data for Fig. 5. Description of figures (taken from the paper): FIG. 1. (a,b) The fields of concentration and velocity at t=20. Figure (a) shows the data obtained with the grids of 200x200 grid nodes and figure (b) shows the data obtained with 400x400 grid nodes. (c) The maximum value of the field of streamfunction vs. time (solid line for the run with 400x400 grid nodes and dashed line for the run with 200x200 grid nodes). The shown data are obtained at A=-0.5, Gr=-0.1, Pe=10^5, Re=2000, Ca=4*10^{-4}, delta=0.0283. FIG. 2. The frequency (a) and the decay rate (b) of oscillations vs. wavenumber. The data are shown for A=-0.5, Gr=0.1$, Ca=4*10^{-4}, Re=10000, delta=0.0283, and for Pe=10^5 (triangles) and Pe=10^6 (circles). The solid line depicts the theoretical curves for an immiscible infinitely thin interface. FIG. 3. The frequency (a) and the decay rate (b) of oscillations vs. wavenumber. The data are shown for A=-0.5, Gr=0.1, Pe=10^5, Ca=4*10^{-4}, Re=2000, and delta=0.0141 (squares), delta=0.0283 (circles), and delta=0.0566 (triangles). The solid lines depict the theoretical data for the cases of (1) delta=0.0141, (2) delta=0.0283 , (3) delta=0.0566 in (a) and the theoretical data for gamma for $\textrm{Re}=2000$ in (b). FIG. 4. The frequency (a) and the decay rate (b) of oscillations vs. wavenumber. The data are shown for A=-0.5, Gr=0.1, Pe=10^5, Re=2000, and for different values of capillary number and interface thickness, Ca=10^{-4}, delta=0.0141 (squares), Ca=2\times10^{-4}, delta=0.0283 (circles), and Ca=4*10^{-4}, delta=0.0566 (triangles). The solid line depicts the theoretical curve.