This dataset contains numerical data supporting paper Fuka, Xie, Castro, Hayden, Carpentieri, Robins - "Scalar fluxes near a tall building in an aligned array of rectangular buildings", The DOI for this dataset is 10.5258/SOTON/D023, accessible using link: The cordinate system is shifted from the coordinates used in the paper to be consistent with the wind tunnel data. The origin lies in the intersection left of the tall building (when looking in the flow direction), so the centre of the tall buildings has coordinates (x/h, y/h) = (0, -1.5), whereas it has coordinates (0, 0) in the paper. The data is divided into several directories: Concentration isocontours: surface meshes of surfaces with constant mean concantration Effective diffusivity: 2D map of effective diffusivity in the z direction at z/h = 1 Integrated fluxes values of vertical scalar fluxes integrated over strips at z/h = 1 Tall building - profiles: selected line profiles of vertical scalar fluxes and vertical velocities for the tall building scenario Uniform buildings - profiles: selected line profiles of mean concentrations and scalar fluxes for the uniform buildings scenario Vectors: 2D planes with point values of mean flow velocity Vorticity isocontours: surface mesh of surfaces of constant x vorticity component for the tall building scenario There were two models used for the computations. Unless stated otherwise the data in this dataset is produced by OpenFOAM v 2.1 ( Several parts of the dataset are produced by ELMM (Extended Large-Eddy Microscale Model, and it is noted in the description of such data or in the name of the filename containing string "ELMM". Reynolds number of the computations based on the free-stream velocity and the building height was approximately 12 000. In OpenFOAM the flow-rate was kept constant, while in ELMM the forcing pressure gradient was constant. The boundary conditions for the flow were periodic in horizontal directions and the top boundary condition was free-slip. The localised scalar sources were implemented as 12 grid cells distributed around the centre. All cells containing the source had the same scalar flux. The area of the source in the finite grid is the same as the area of a circle with diameter $0.244\,h$, compared with $0.3\,h$ in the wind tunnel. Further description can be found in the paper freely accessible under open access conditions at For futher questions please contact: Vladimir Fuka -,, Zheng-Tong Xie -