READ ME File For 'Anticipatory Association for Indoor Visible Light Communications: Light, Follow Me !' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Rong Zhang, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication 2018 IEEE TWC publication titled "Anticipatory Association for Indoor Visible Light Communications: Light, Follow Me !" by Rong Zhang Contents +++++++++ This dataset contains which are used for generating Fig.1 to Fig.6. These figures are plotted using Matlab. In order to generate these figures, you should install Matlab The figures are as follows: Fig. 1 The effect of number of users (left) and the effect of field of view (right) on the performance of the average system queue backlog versus the average per-user throughput, for both the RA design and the AA design. Fig. 2 The effect of bonding (left) and the effect of modulation bandwidth (right) on the performance of the average system queue backlog versus the average per-user throughput, for both the RA design and the AA design. Fig. 3 The effect of Bernoulli mean (left) and the effect of walking speed (right) on the performance of the average system queue backlog versus the average per-user throughput, for both the RA design and the AA design. Fig. 4 The effect of association delay (left) and the effect of imperfect localization (right) on the performance of the average system queue backlog versus the average per-user throughput, for both the RA design and the AA design. Fig. 5 The effect of reduced number of APs (left) and the effect of smaller rooms (right) on the performance of the average system queue backlog versus the average per-user throughput, for both the RA design and the AA design. Fig. 6 The effect of prediction window size (left) and the effect of discretisation granularity (right) on the performance of the average system queue backlog versus the average per-user throughput, for the AA design. Related projects: +++++++++++++++++ User-Centric Visable Light Communications aided Networks, EPSRC EP/N023862/1 BEAM-ME-UP, European Union - ERC Advanced, 321097 Cooperative backhaul aided next-generation digital subscriber loops, EPSRC, EP/N004558/1 Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: Janauary 2018