READ ME File For 'Intrinsic and photo-induced properties of high refractive index azobenzene based thin films' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0364 ReadMe Author: Vasileios Apostolopoulos, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: E. Mavrona, et al (2018). Intrinsic and photo-induced properties of high refractive index azobenzene based thin films [Invited]. Optical Materials Express 8, 420-430 Contents +++++++++ For example This dataset contains which are used for generating Fig.3 to Fig.9. These figures are plotted using GLE (Graphics Layout Engine). The scripts of Gle are also included in the folds for each figures. In order to generate these figures, you should install Gle The figures are as follows: Fig. 3 Complex refractive index, n + ik, of 22D on ITO/glass substrate determined by ellipsometry. The same absorption peaks were observed with absorption spectroscopy at 375 nm and 460 nm Given at text file ellispoPAAD22D.txt Fig. 4 Normalized intensity of the first diffracted order as a function of time for 22D and 22E (left), and 22N (right). X-axis are given in td22.txt, te22.txt, tn22.txt and y-axis data are given in d22.txt, e22.txt,n22.txt Related projects: Defence Science and Technology Laboratory & Direction générale de l’armement (DSTL-DGA) joint PhD grants (DSTLX-100074647, DSTLX-1000105958); UK Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC) (EP/J007676/1). Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: February 2018