READ ME File For 'Research data for project DIPLOS (Dispersion of localised releases in a street network), Part4' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0314 ReadMe Author: Vladimir Fuka, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Hertwig, D., Soulhac, L., Fuka, V. et al. Environ Fluid Mech (2018), Contents +++++++++ This directory contains LES data for the scenario shown and discussed in Hertwig et al. (Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2018) The mean concentration isocontour displayed in Fig. 6 in the paper is stored as a surface mesh in the VRML format. It can opened by data analysis programs Paraview and VisIt and many 3D graphics programs and converted to many other 3D geometry file formats. All other data are given in CSV format and contain flow and concentration data. The concentration data are given for each of the four equivalent source locations (S1-S4). The data shown in the paper represent ensemble averages over the four dispersion scenarios. The coordinate system used in these raw data is oriented along the mean forcing wind direction of 45 degrees. Please note that the coordinate system was rotated for the data in the paper to use a coordinate system oriented along the streets (x along the short streets; y along the long streets). For the presentation in the paper, the origin of the coordinate system was shifted to the location of the source. In the raw files, the source locations for this scenario (centre of long street) are: S1: x/H = 1; y/H = 4.5 S2: x/H = 3; y/H = 4.5 S3: x/H = 5; y/H = 4.5 S4: x/H = 7; y/H = 4.5 The variable names in the CSV files are defined as follows C1 : Mean concentration / source #1 [kg/m^3] C2 : Mean concentration / source #2 [kg/m^3] C3 : Mean concentration / source #3 [kg/m^3] C4 : Mean concentration / source #4 [kg/m^3] U : Mean U (streamwise) component [m/s] V : Mean V (streamwise) component [m/s] W : Mean W (streamwise) component [m/s] uc1 : Total scalar flow in streamwise (x) direction / source #1 [kg/m^2s] vc1 : Total scalar flow in spanwise (y) direction / source #1 [kg/m^2s] wc2 : Total scalar flow in vertical (z) direction / source #1 [kg/m^2s] uc2 : Total scalar flow in streamwise (x) direction / source #2 [kg/m^2s] vc2 : Total scalar flow in spanwise (y) direction / source #2 [kg/m^2s] wc2 : Total scalar flow in vertical (z) direction / source #2 [kg/m^2s] uc3 : Total scalar flow in streamwise (x) direction / source #3 [kg/m^2s] vc3 : Total scalar flow in spanwise (y) direction / source #3 [kg/m^2s] wc3 : Total scalar flow in vertical (z) direction / source #3 [kg/m^2s] uc4 : Total scalar flow in streamwise (x) direction / source #4 [kg/m^2s] vc4 : Total scalar flow in spanwise (y) direction / source #4 [kg/m^2s] wc4 : Total scalar flow in vertical (z) direction / source #4 [kg/m^2s] x : x/H location [-] y : y/H location [-] z : z/H location [-] Geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: ZT Xie - Dispersion of localised releases in a street network (DIPLOS), EPSRC. EP/K04060X/1 Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: March 2018 RedMe Updated to include associated publication and grant information, 19 March 2018