Read me: University of Southampton – ECS – Tim O’Riordan – The csv files contain data for the PhD thesis and published papers (see list at bottom of the page). Specifically, in All-NC-C3-010215.csv: lo - the Comment identifier, indicating the FutureLearn MOOC step number and comment number CoI - the Community of Inquiry: Cognitive Presence rating given to the comment SOLO - the Structure of Observed Learning Outcome rating given to the comment Bloom - the Blooms Taxonomy rating given to the comment PV - the pedagogic value derived from the sum of DiALe ratings given to the comment. likes - the number of ‘likes’ given to the comment. sixlr - percentage of words containing six letters or more in the comment. smog - the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook rating for the comment conj - percentage of Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC2007) Conjunction words in the comment. verbs - percentage of LIWC2007 verbs in the comment. WC - word count in the comment. liwc_wps - words per sentence in the comment. liwc_pronoun - percentage of LIWC2007 pronouns in the comment. ppron - percentage of LIWC2007 personal pronouns in the comment. liwc_I - percentage of LIWC2007 first person pronouns in the comment. liwc_we - percentage of LIWC2007 first person plurals in the comment. liwc_you - percentage of LIWC2007 second person plurals in the comment. ipron - percentage of LIWC2007 impersonal pronouns in the comment. liwc_present - percentage of LIWC2007 present tenses in the comment. liwc_preps - percentage of LIWC2007 prepositions in the comment. liwc_affect - percentage of LIWC2007 affective processes in the comment. liwc_posmo - percentage of LIWC2007 positive emotion words in the comment. liwc_negmo - percentage of LIWC2007 negative emotion words in the comment. cogmech - percentage of LIWC2007 cognitive process words in the comment. liwc_insight - percentage of LIWC2007 insight words in the comment. liwc_inclu - percentage of LIWC2007 inclusive words in the comment. liwc_excl - percentage of LIWC2007 exclusive words in the comment. relativ - percentage of LIWC2007 relativity words in the comment. leisure - percentage of LIWC2007 leisure words in the comment. liwc_money - percentage of LIWC2007 finance words in the comment. liwc_assent - percentage of LIWC2007 agreement words in the comment. [see for examples] In All-NC-C4-161215: Comment - the Comment identifier. RaterA_B - rater A’s rating of the comment using Bloom’s Taxonomy. RaterB_B - rater A’s rating of the comment using Bloom’s Taxonomy. AvBloom - mean of rater A’s and rater B’s Bloom ratings. BloomHigh - Highest rating using Bloom. BloomLow - Lowest rating using Bloom. RaterA_C - rater A’s rating of the comment using CoI: Cognitive Presence. RaterB_C - rater B’s rating of the comment using CoI: Cognitive Presence. AvCoI - mean of rater A’s and rater B’s CoI: Cognitive Presence ratings. CoIHigh - Highest rating using CoI: Cognitive Presence. CoILow - Lowest rating using CoI: Cognitive Presence. like - the number of ‘likes’ given to the comment. WC - word count in the comment. Analyticn - percentage of LIWC2015 analytical thinking words in the comment. Clout - percentage of LIWC2015 clout words in the comment. Authentic - percentage of LIWC2015 authenticity words in the comment. Tone - percentage of LIWC2015 tome words in the comment. WPS - words per sentence in the comment. Sixltr - percentage of words containing six letters or more in the comment. Dic - percentage of LIWC2015 dictionary words in the comment. function - percentage of LIWC2015 function words in the comment. pronoun - percentage of LIWC2015 pronouns in the comment. ppron - percentage of LIWC2015 personal pronouns in the comment. i - percentage of LIWC2015 first person pronouns in the comment. we - percentage of LIWC2015 first person plurals in the comment. you - percentage of LIWC2015 second person plurals in the comment. shehe - percentage of LIWC2015 third person singular pronouns in the comment. they - percentage of LIWC2015 third person plurals in the comment. ipron - percentage of LIWC2015 impersonal pronouns in the comment. article - percentage of LIWC2015 articles in the comment. prep - percentage of LIWC2015 prepositions in the comment. auxverb - percentage of LIWC2015 auxiliary verbs in the comment. adverb - percentage of LIWC2015 adverbs in the comment. conj - percentage of LIWC2015 conjunction words in the comment. negate - percentage of LIWC2015 negation words in the comment. verb - percentage of LIWC2015 verbs in the comment. adj - percentage of LIWC2015 adjectives in the comment. compare - percentage of LIWC2015 comparison in the comment. interrog - percentage of LIWC2015 Interrogatives in the comment. number - percentage of LIWC2015 number words in the comment. quant - percentage of LIWC2015 Quantifiers in the comment. affect - percentage of LIWC2015 affective process words in the comment. posemo - percentage of LIWC2015 positive emotion words in the comment. negemo - percentage of LIWC2015 negative emotion words in the comment. anx - percentage of LIWC2015 anxiety words in the comment. anger - percentage of LIWC2015 anger words in the comment. sad - percentage of LIWC2015 sadness words in the comment. social - percentage of LIWC2015 social process words in the comment. family - percentage of LIWC2015 family words in the comment. friend - percentage of LIWC2015 friend words in the comment. female - percentage of LIWC2015 female references in the comment. male - percentage of LIWC2015 male references in the comment. cogproc - percentage of LIWC2015 cognitive process words in the comment. insight - percentage of LIWC2015 insight words in the comment. cause - percentage of LIWC2015 causation words in the comment. discrep - percentage of LIWC2015 discrepancy words in the comment. tentat - percentage of LIWC2015 tentative words in the comment. certain - percentage of LIWC2015 certainty words in the comment. differ - percentage of LIWC2015 differentiation words in the comment. percept - percentage of LIWC2015 perceptual process words in the comment. see - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to seeing in the comment. hear - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to hearing in the comment. feel - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to feeling in the comment. bio - percentage of LIWC2015 biological process words in the comment. body - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to the body in the comment. health - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to health in the comment. sexual - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to sex in the comment. ingest - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to eating in the comment. drives - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to drives in the comment. affiliation - percentage of LIWC2015 affiliation words in the comment. achieve - percentage of LIWC2015 achievement words in the comment. power - percentage of LIWC2015 power words in the comment. reward - percentage of LIWC2015 reward words in the comment. risk - percentage of LIWC2015 risk words in the comment. focuspast - percentage of LIWC2015 words that show past focus in the comment. focuspresent - percentage of LIWC2015 words that show present focus in the comment. focusfuture - percentage of LIWC2015 words that show future focus in the comment. relativ - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to relativity in the comment. motion - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to motion in the comment. space - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to space in the comment. time - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to time in the comment. work - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to work in the comment. leisure - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to leisure in the comment. home - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to home in the comment. money - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to finance in the comment. relig - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to religion in the comment. death - percentage of LIWC2015 words related to death in the comment. informal - percentage of LIWC2015 informal language words in the comment. swear - percentage of LIWC2015 swear words in the comment. netspeak - percentage of LIWC2015 www language words in the comment. assent - percentage of LIWC2007 agreement words in the comment. nonflu - percentage of LIWC2007 nonfluencies in the comment. filler - percentage of LIWC2007 filler words in the comment. allpunc - percentage of all punctuation in the comment. period - percentage of full stops in the comment. comma - percentage of commas in the comment. colon - percentage of colons in the comment. semic - percentage of semi-colons in the comment. qmark - percentage of question marks in the comment. exclam - percentage of exclamation marks in the comment. dash - percentage of dashes in the comment. quote - percentage of quotation marks in the comment. apostro - percentage of apostrophes in the comment. parenth - percentage of brackets in the comment. otherp - percentage of other punctuation in the comment. Filename - the name of the comment file. [see: for examples]. Relevant published papers: O'Riordan, Tim, Millard, David and Schulz, John (2015) Can you tell if they’re learning? Using a pedagogical framework to measure pedagogical activity At ICALT 2015: 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Taiwan, Province of China. 06 - 09 Jul 2015. 3 pp. O'Riordan, Tim (2015) How should we measure and show online learning? At Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference 2015: Shaping the Future of Learning Together, United Kingdom. 08 - 10 Sep 2015. O'Riordan, Tim, Millard, David E. and Schulz, John B. (2016) How should we measure online learning activity? Research in Learning Technology, pp. 1-28. Date of data collection: from June 2014 - December 2015 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Date the file was created: 10 February 2017