# SRUP Timing Experiment This dataset was produced by Andrew John Poulter ([a.j.poulter@soton.ac.uk](mailto:a.j.poulter@soton.ac.uk?subject=SRUP Timing Experiment)) from the Computational Engineering & Design group, within the Faculty of Engineering & the Environment at the University of Southampton. The experiment was run on 16th September 2017 using a Raspberry Pi 3 computer. **Files within this dataset:** * `timeliest.cpp` is the source code for the test program * `CmakeLists.txt` is the CMake build-script used to generate the executable * `tt1.txt` – `tt5.txt` are the raw output of the executable (run with stdout redirected to the text file). The executable was run five times, with each file being the output from one run * `Time Calculations.xlsx` is a Microsoft Excel format spreadsheet, containing the calculation used to obtain the mean time for the operation of the executable