READ ME File For 'DATASET TITLE' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0513 ReadMe Author: Dr Nikitas Papasimakis, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: "Pulse Generation Scheme for Flying Electromagnetic Doughnuts" by N. Papasimakis, T. Raybould, V. A. Fedotov, D. P. Tsai, I. Youngs, N. I. Zheludev in Physical Review, B, 2018 Contents +++++++++ File list: - Fig1b.txt: two column file with data plotted in Fig. 1b. The first column corresponds to time (in units of q_1/c), while the second to the values of the instantaneous electric field (in arbitrary units). - Fig1b_inset_x.txt: single column file containing the horizontal spatial coordinate values of the inset to Fig. 1b in units of q_1. - Fig1b_inset_y.txt: single column file containing the vertical spatial coordinate values of the inset to Fig. 1b in units of q_1. - Fig1b_inset_I.txt: array containing the electric field modulus squared of the colormap in the inset to Fig. 1b. - Fig1c_inset_nu.txt: single column file containing the frequency values corresponding to the vertical axis of the inset to Fig. 1c. Frequency is in units of c/q_1. - Fig1c_inset_r.txt: single column file containing the radial position values corresponding to the horizontal axis of the inset to Fig. 1c. Radial position is in units of q_1. - Fig1c_inset_I.txt: array containing the electric field modulus squared of the colormap in the inset to Fig. 1c. - Fig1c.txt: two column file with data plotted in Fig. 1c. The first column corresponds to frequency (in units of c/q_1), while the second to the values of the modulus square of the electric field (in arbitrary units). - Fig2a.bmp: Bitmap containing the field map of Fig. 2a. - Fig2b.bmp: Bitmap containing the field map of Fig. 2b. - Fig2c.bmp: Bitmap containing the field map of Fig. 2c. - Fig2d.bmp: Bitmap containing the field map of Fig. 2d. - Fig2e.bmp: Bitmap containing the field map of Fig. 2e. - Fig2f.bmp: Bitmap containing the field map of Fig. 2f. - Fig3a.bmp: Bitmap containing the colormap of Fig. 3a. - Fig3b.bmp: Bitmap containing the colormap of Fig. 3b. - Fig3c.bmp: Bitmap containing the colormap of Fig. 3c. - Fig3d.bmp: Bitmap containing the colormap of Fig. 3d. - Fig3e.bmp: Bitmap containing the colormap of Fig. 3e. - Fig3f.bmp: Bitmap containing the colormap of Fig. 3f. - Fig4a_z25.txt: two column file containing the data of the black dashed line in Fig. 4a. The first column contains the frequency values, while the 2nd column includes the FOM values. - Fig4a_z100.txt: two column file containing the data of the blue dash-dot line in Fig. 4a. The first column contains the frequency values, while the 2nd column includes the FOM values. - Fig4a_z200.txt: two column file containing the data of the red solid line in Fig. 4a. The first column contains the frequency values, while the 2nd column includes the FOM values. - Fig4b_q1.txt: single column file with the q_1 values (horizontal axis) of the colormap of Fig. 4b. - Fig4b_q2.txt: single column file with the q_2 values (vertical axis) of the colormap of Fig. 4b. - Fig4b_I.txt: single column file with the FOM values of the colormap of Fig. 4b. For enquiries contact: Dr Nikitas Papasimakis Geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects +++++++++++++++++ Transforming Electromagnetic Wavefronts Zheludev, N., Fedotov, V. & Papasimakis, N. DSTL DSTLX - 1000068886 Nanostructured Photonic Metamaterials Ashburn, P., Eason, R., Zheludev, N., Hewak, D., Fedotov, V., Ruostekoski, J. & Muskens, O. EPSRC EP/G060363/1 Reading the unreadable with metamaterials Papasimakis, N. EPSRC EP/M008797/1 Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: May 2018