READ ME File For 'Dataset for Ultrafast perturbation maps as a quantitative tool for testing of multi-port photonic devices' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0485 ReadMe Author: Otto Muskens, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Contents +++++++++++ This file contains ALL information from the figures, please open individual readme files in the subfolders which duplicate the information on each individual figure. Figure 2 Read Me 1x2 MMI numerical data 'x.txt' Data for the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers 'z.txt' Data for the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers 'z_num.txt' Data for the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Used only for the fully-numerical data of Figure 2c. 'Efield_input.txt' Comma-delimited data for the norm of the electric field obtained by exciting the MMI from the input waveguide (Figure 2a, top panel). Lines correspond to the x-axis, columns to the z-axis. 'Efield_output.txt' Comma-delimited data for the norm of the electric field obtained by exciting the MMI from the upper output waveguide (Figure 2a, bottom panel). Lines correspond to the x-axis, columns to the z-axis. 'dT_over_T.txt' Comma-delimited data for the perturbation map (Figure 2b). Lines correspond to the x-axis, columns to the z-axis. 'dT_over_T_line.txt' Data for the perturbation line obtained from the reciprocity-based model (Figure 2c). 'dT_over_T_line_num.txt' Data for the perturbation line obtained from the fully-numerical simulations (Figure 2c). To plot the figures in MATLAB, you may enter the following commands: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clear variables % Coordinates x=dlmread('x.txt'); z=dlmread('z.txt'); % E-field (input waveguide) Efield_input=dlmread('Efield_input.txt'); figure; pcolor(z,x,Efield_input); axis equal tight; shading interp; colormap(jet); colorbar % E-field (output waveguide) Efield_output=dlmread('Efield_output.txt'); figure; pcolor(z,x,Efield_output); axis equal tight; shading interp; colormap(jet); colorbar % Perturbation map dT_over_T=dlmread('dT_over_T.txt'); m=256; map=zeros(m,3); blue=[0 0 1]; red=[1 0 0]; wh=[1 1 1]; bl=[0 0 0]; for cnt=1:3 map(1:m/2,cnt)=linspace(blue(cnt),wh(cnt),max(size(1:m/2))); end for cnt=1:3 map(m/2+1:m,cnt)=linspace(wh(cnt),red(cnt),max(size(m/2+1:m))); end H=figure; pcolor(z,x,dT_over_T); shading interp axis tight; axis equal; cmax=max(max(abs(dT_over_T))); % Color scale colormap(map); colorbar; caxis([-cmax cmax]); % Perturbation line dT_over_T_line=dlmread('dT_over_T_line.txt'); z_num=dlmread('z_num.txt'); dT_over_T_line_num=dlmread('dT_over_T_line_num.txt'); figure; plot(z,dT_over_T_line,'-',z_num,dT_over_T_line_num,'--','linewidth',1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Figure 3 Read Me 1x4 MMI data for the top and second-top output coupling. Figure 3b- 'Fig3b.txt' Tab delimited data for the electric field distribution of a 1x4 MMI. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with electric field strength. Figure 3c- 'Fig3c1.txt' and 'Fig3c3.txt' Tab delimited data for the experimental perturbation maps of the 1x4 MMI device for top and second-top output coupling. Format: First column is delay time in picoseconds. Zeroed at a 3ps delay time. Second column is x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed around center of the device. Third column is z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed around start of the MMI region. Fourth column is y-axis (focus) in micrometers. Zeroed at optimal focus of pump spot. Fifth column is not used. Sixth column is signal chopped with reference to the pump. Seventh column is signal chopped with reference to the probe. Eighth column is sixth column divided by the seventh. 'Fig3c2.txt' and 'Fig3c4.txt' Tab delimited data for the modelled perturbation maps of the 1x4 MMI device for top and second-top output coupling. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with calculated DeltaT/T values. Figure 3d- 'Fig3d1.txt' and 'Fig3d2.txt' Tab delimited data for the maximum correlation values between experiment and model in MMI region width and length parameter space for top and second-top output coupling of the 1x4 MMI device. Format: Columns; varying modelled MMI region width between 7.0 and 9.0 micrometers in steps of 0.05 micrometers. Rows; varying modelled MMI region length between 27.0 and 33.0 micrometers in steps of 0.2 micrometers. Filled with the maximum correlation values obtained with the experimental data. Figure 4 Read Me 3x3 MMI data for top-top, top-middle, top-bottom and middle-middle port couplings. Figure 4b- 'Fig4b1.txt' and 'Fig4b2.txt' Tab delimited data for the electric field distribution of a 3x3 MMI for top and middle input incident light. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with electric field strength. Figure 4c- 'Fig4c1.txt' and 'Fig4c3.txt' and 'Fig4c5.txt' and 'Fig4c7.txt' Tab delimited data for the experimental perturbation maps of the 3x3 MMI device for top-top, top-middle, top-bottom and middle-middle port couplings. Format: First column is delay time in picoseconds. Zeroed at a 3ps delay time. Second column is x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed around center of the device. Third column is z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed around start of the MMI region. Fourth column is y-axis (focus) in micrometers. Zeroed at optimal focus of pump spot. Fifth column is not used. Sixth column is signal chopped with reference to the pump. Seventh column is signal chopped with reference to the probe. Eighth column is sixth column divided by the seventh. 'Fig4c2.txt' and 'Fig4c4.txt' and 'Fig4c6.txt' and 'Fig4c8.txt' Tab delimited data for the modelled perturbation maps of the 3x3 MMI device for top-top, top-middle, top-bottom and middle-middle port couplings. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with calculated DeltaT/T values. Figure 4d- 'Fig4d1.txt' and 'Fig4d2.txt' and 'Fig4d3.txt' and 'Fig4d4.txt' Tab delimited data for the maximum correlation values between experiment and model in MMI region width and length parameter space for top-top, top-middle, top-bottom and middle-middle port couplings. Format: Columns; varying modelled MMI region width between 5.0 and 7.0 micrometers in steps of 0.05 micrometers. Rows; varying modelled MMI region length between 85.0 and 91.0 micrometers in steps of 0.2 micrometers. Filled with the maximum correlation values obtained with the experimental data. Figure 5 Read Me 1x2 MMI data for device with outputs recombined. Figure 5a- 'Fig5a.txt' Tab delimited data for the electric field distribution of a 1x2 MMI. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with electric field strength. Figure 5b- 'Fig5b1.txt' Tab delimited data for the modelled perturbation map of the 1x2 MMI device for coupling to both outputs. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with calculated DeltaT/T values. 'Fig5b2.txt' Tab delimited data for the experimental perturbation map of the 1x2 MMI device for coupling to both outputs. Format: First column is delay time in picoseconds. Zeroed at a 3ps delay time. Second column is x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed around center of the device. Third column is z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed around start of the MMI region. Fourth column is y-axis (focus) in micrometers. Fifth column is not used. Sixth column is signal chopped with reference to the pump. Seventh column is signal chopped with reference to the probe. Eighth column is sixth column divided by the seventh. Figure S1 Read Me 1x2 MMI numerical data 'z.txt' Data for the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers 'z_num.txt' Data for the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Used only for the fully-numerical data of Figure 2c. 'dT_over_T_line.txt' Data for the perturbation line obtained from the reciprocity-based model. 'dT_over_T_line_num.txt' Data for the perturbation line obtained from the fully-numerical simulations. 'dT_over_T_line_approx.txt' Data for the perturbation line obtained from the approximate reciprocity-based model. To plot the figures in MATLAB, you may enter the following commands: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clear variables % Coordinates z=dlmread('z.txt'); z_num=dlmread('z_num.txt'); % Perturbation line dT_over_T_line=dlmread('dT_over_T_line.txt'); dT_over_T_line_num=dlmread('dT_over_T_line_num.txt'); dT_over_T_line_approx=dlmread('dT_over_T_line_approx.txt'); figure; plot(z,dT_over_T_line,'-',z_num,dT_over_T_line_num,'--',z,dT_over_T_line_approx,'k-','linewidth',1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Figure S2 Read Me 1x2 MMI data for top and bottom output couplings. Figure S2b- 'FigS2b.txt' Tab delimited data for the electric field distribution of a 1x2 MMI. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with electric field strength. Figure S2c- 'FigS2c1.txt' and 'FigS2c3.txt' Tab delimited data for the experimental perturbation maps of the 1x2 MMI device for top and bottom output couplings. Format: First column is delay time in picoseconds. Zeroed at a 3ps delay time. Second column is x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed around center of the device. Third column is z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed around start of the MMI region. Fourth column is y-axis (focus) in micrometers. Zeroed at optimal focus of pump spot. Fifth column is not used. Sixth column is signal chopped with reference to the pump. Seventh column is signal chopped with reference to the probe. Eighth column is sixth column divided by the seventh. 'FigS2c2&4.txt' Tab delimited data for the modelled perturbation maps of the 1x2 MMI device for top and bottom output couplings. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with calculated DeltaT/T values. Note: Theoretical perturbation map for top and bottom output are symmetrical, so for bottom output simply flip the dataset. Figure S2d- 'FigS2d1.txt' and 'FigS2d2.txt' Tab delimited data for the maximum correlation values between experiment and model in MMI region width and length parameter space for top and bottom output couplings. Format: Columns; varying modelled MMI region width between 5.0 and 7.0 micrometers in steps of 0.05 micrometers. Rows; varying modelled MMI region length between 30.0 and 36.0 micrometers in steps of 0.2 micrometers. Filled with the maximum correlation values obtained with the experimental data. Figure S3 Read Me 1x2 MMI device (rotated by 180deg) data for top and bottom input couplings. Figure S3a- 'FigS3a1.txt' and 'FigS3a3.txt' Tab delimited data for the experimental perturbation maps of the 1x2 MMI device (rotated by 180deg) for top and bottom input couplings. Format: First column is delay time in picoseconds. Zeroed at a 3ps delay time. Second column is x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed around center of the device. Third column is z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed around start of the MMI region. Fourth column is y-axis (focus) in micrometers. Zeroed at optimal focus of pump spot. Fifth column is not used. Sixth column is signal chopped with reference to the pump. Seventh column is signal chopped with reference to the probe. Eighth column is sixth column divided by the seventh. 'FigS3a2&4.txt' Tab delimited data for the modelled perturbation maps of the 1x2 MMI device (rotated by 180deg) for top and bottom input couplings. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with calculated DeltaT/T values. Note: Theoretical perturbation map for top and bottom input are symmetrical, so for bottom input simply flip the dataset. Figure S3b- 'FigS3b1.txt' and 'FigS3b2.txt' Tab delimited data for the maximum correlation values between experiment and model in MMI region width and length parameter space for top and bottom input couplings. Format: Columns; varying modelled MMI region width between 5.0 and 7.0 micrometers in steps of 0.05 micrometers. Rows; varying modelled MMI region length between 30.0 and 36.0 micrometers in steps of 0.2 micrometers. Filled with the maximum correlation values obtained with the experimental data. Figure S4 Read Me 1x4 MMI device data for second-bottom and bottom output couplings. Figure S4a- 'FigS4a1.txt' and 'FigS4a3.txt' Tab delimited data for the experimental perturbation maps of the 1x4 MMI device for second-bottom and bottom output couplings. Format: First column is delay time in picoseconds. Zeroed at a 3ps delay time. Second column is x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed around center of the device. Third column is z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed around start of the MMI region. Fourth column is y-axis (focus) in micrometers. Zeroed at optimal focus of pump spot. Fifth column is not used. Sixth column is signal chopped with reference to the pump. Seventh column is signal chopped with reference to the probe. Eighth column is sixth column divided by the seventh. 'FigS4a2.txt' and 'FigS4a4.txt' Tab delimited data for the modelled perturbation maps of the 1x4 MMI device for second-bottom and bottom output couplings. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with calculated DeltaT/T values. Figure S4b- 'FigS4b1.txt' and 'FigS4b2.txt' Tab delimited data for the maximum correlation values between experiment and model in MMI region width and length parameter space for top and bottom input couplings. Format: Columns; varying modelled MMI region width between 7.0 and 9.0 micrometers in steps of 0.05 micrometers. Rows; varying modelled MMI region length between 27.0 and 33.0 micrometers in steps of 0.2 micrometers. Filled with the maximum correlation values obtained with the experimental data. Figure S5 Read Me 3x3 MMI device data for middle-top, middle-bottom, bottom-top, bottom-middle and bottom-bottom port couplings. Figure S5a- 'FigS5a1.txt' and 'FigS5a3.txt' and 'FigS5a5.txt' and 'FigS5a7.txt' and 'FigS5a9.txt' Tab delimited data for the experimental perturbation maps of the 3x3 MMI device for middle-top, middle-bottom, bottom-top, bottom-middle and bottom-bottom port couplings. Format: First column is delay time in picoseconds. Zeroed at a 3ps delay time. Second column is x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed around center of the device. Third column is z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed around start of the MMI region. Fourth column is y-axis (focus) in micrometers. Zeroed at optimal focus of pump spot. Fifth column is not used. Sixth column is signal chopped with reference to the pump. Seventh column is signal chopped with reference to the probe. Eighth column is sixth column divided by the seventh. 'FigS5a2&4.txt' and 'FigS5a6.txt' and 'FigS5a8.txt' and 'FigS5a10.txt' Tab delimited data for the modelled perturbation maps of the 3x3 MMI device for middle-top, middle-bottom, bottom-top, bottom-middle and bottom-bottom port couplings. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with calculated DeltaT/T values. Note: Theoretical perturbation map for middle-top and middle-bottom port couplings are symmetrical, so for middle-bottom port coupling simply flip the 'FigS5a2&4.txt' dataset. Figure S5b- 'FigS5b1.txt' and 'FigS5b2.txt' and 'FigS5b3.txt' and 'FigS5b4.txt' and 'FigS5b5.txt' Tab delimited data for the maximum correlation values between experiment and model in MMI region width and length parameter space for middle-top, middle-bottom, bottom-top, bottom-middle and bottom-bottom port couplings. Format: Columns; varying modelled MMI region width between 5.0 and 6.0 micrometers in steps of 0.05 micrometers. Rows; varying modelled MMI region length between 85.0 and 91.0 micrometers in steps of 0.2 micrometers. Filled with the maximum correlation values obtained with the experimental data. Figure S6 Read Me Comparison of predicted perturbation maps using design, SEM and maximum correlation device parameters for the best correlating port coupling - 3x3 MMI top-to-top coupling. Figure S6a- 'FigS6a.txt' Tab delimited data for the maximum correlation values between experiment and model in MMI region width and length parameter space for top-to-top coupling. Format: Columns; varying modelled MMI region width between 5.0 and 6.0 micrometers in steps of 0.05 micrometers. Rows; varying modelled MMI region length between 85.0 and 91.0 micrometers in steps of 0.2 micrometers. Filled with the maximum correlation values obtained with the experimental data. Figure S6b- 'FigS6b.txt' Tab delimited data for the experimental perturbation maps of the 3x3 MMI device for top-to-top port couplings. Format: First column is delay time in picoseconds. Zeroed at a 3ps delay time. Second column is x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed around center of the device. Third column is z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed around start of the MMI region. Fourth column is y-axis (focus) in micrometers. Zeroed at optimal focus of pump spot. Fifth column is not used. Sixth column is signal chopped with reference to the pump. Seventh column is signal chopped with reference to the probe. Eighth column is sixth column divided by the seventh. Figure S6c to Figure S6f- 'FigS6c.txt' and 'FigS6d.txt' and 'FigS6e.txt' and 'FigS6f.txt' Tab delimited data for the modelled perturbation maps of the top-to-top 3x3 MMI device for modeled design, SEM and first and second maximum correlation device dimensions. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with calculated DeltaT/T values. Figure S7 Read Me Comparison of predicted perturbation maps using design, SEM and maximum correlation device parameters for one of the poorer correlating port coupling - 3x3 MMI middle-to-bottom coupling. Figure S7a- 'FigS7a.txt' Tab delimited data for the maximum correlation values between experiment and model in MMI region width and length parameter space for middle-to-bottom port coupling. Format: Columns; varying modelled MMI region width between 5.0 and 6.0 micrometers in steps of 0.05 micrometers. Rows; varying modelled MMI region length between 85.0 and 91.0 micrometers in steps of 0.2 micrometers. Filled with the maximum correlation values obtained with the experimental data. Figure S7b- 'FigS7b.txt' Tab delimited data for the experimental perturbation maps of the 3x3 MMI device for middle-to-bottom port couplings. Format: First column is delay time in picoseconds. Zeroed at a 3ps delay time. Second column is x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed around center of the device. Third column is z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed around start of the MMI region. Fourth column is y-axis (focus) in micrometers. Zeroed at optimal focus of pump spot. Fifth column is not used. Sixth column is signal chopped with reference to the pump. Seventh column is signal chopped with reference to the probe. Eighth column is sixth column divided by the seventh. Figure S7c to Figure S7f- 'FigS7c.txt' and 'FigS7d.txt' and 'FigS7e.txt' and 'FigS7f.txt' Tab delimited data for the modelled perturbation maps of the middle-to-bottom 3x3 MMI device for modeled design, SEM and first and second maximum correlation device dimensions. Format: First column is the x-axis (across the device's width) in micrometers. Zeroed at center of the device. First row is the z-axis (propagation direction) in micrometers. Zeroed at the start of the input waveguide. Filled with calculated DeltaT/T values. Related projects +++++++++++++++++ Light Shaping on a Chip with Nanophotonics and Complexity Muskens, O. Royal Society IE160744 Silicon Photonics for Future Systems Wilkinson, J., Richardson, D., Mashanovich, G. & Reed, G. EPSRC Complex nanophotonic and plasmonic networks for ultrafast optical devices Muskens, O. EPSRC EP/J016918/1 CORNERSTONE Chong, H., Gardes, F., Mashanovich, G. & Reed, G. EPSRC EP/L021129/1 Licence ++++++++ Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: May 2018