READ ME File For Dataset for paper titled Robust features of a turbulent boundary layer subjected to high-intensity free-stream turbulence Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0552 ReadMe Author: Bharathram Ganapathisubramani,, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: R. Jason Hearst, Eda Dogan and Bharathram Ganapathisubramani, (2018), "Robust features of a turbulent boundary layer subjected to high-intensity free-stream turbulence", Journal of Fluid Mechanics. DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2018.511 The variables contained in the file are: B = log-law fitting parameter described in equation (1.1) kappa = log-law fitting parameter described in equation (1.1) delta = boundary layer thickness (units: meters) lamb_inf = Taylor microscale in the free-stream (units: meters) Lu_inf = integral lengthscale in the free-stream (units: meters) nu = kinematic viscosity (units: m^2/s) Re_lamb_inf = Taylor microscale based Reynolds number in the free-stream Re_tau = friction velocity based Reynolds number Re_theta = momentum thickness based Reynolds number u2_inf = streamwise velocity variance in the free-stream (units: m^2/s^2) U_inf = streamwise mean velocity in the free-stream (units: m/s) U_tau = mean friction velocity (units: m/s) uU_inf = free-stream turbulence intensity Fu = streamwise velocity flatness profiles Su = streamwise velocity skewness profiles U = streamwise mean velocity profiles (units: m/s) u2 = streamwise velocity variance profiles (units: m^2/s^2) y = wall-normal position for profiles (units: meters) E11_inf = free-stream spectra kE11 = pre-multiplied spectra at all wall-normal positions for each case (units of m^2/s^2) Gg = global gain function kpu = wall-unit normalised wavenumber for all spectra ypu = wall-unit normalised wall-normal position for all spectra Coh_G = spectral coherence, equation (3.1) of the text, for case G Coh_H = spectral coherence for case H Coh_N = spectral coherence for case N zetap_Coh_G = wall-unit normalised wavelength for spectral coherence case G zetap_Coh_H = wall-unit normalised wavelength for spectral coherence case H zetap_Coh_N = wall-unit normalised wavelength for spectral coherence case N For all variables except for the coherence plots, the data is stored as "cell" elements in MATLAB where the first element of the cell (index = 1) is case A, the second element of the cell (index = 2) is case B, and so on. Date of data collection: 2012-06-01 - 2017-06-30 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: WBT - Dr B Ganapathisubramani - ERC B Ganapathisubramani - Towards drag reduction strategies for high Reynolds number wall-turbulence - EPSRC 30/06/14-28/02/19 Date that the file was created: July 2018