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Nitric oxide-mediated intersegmental modulation of cycle frequency in the crayfish swimmeret system

Nitric oxide-mediated intersegmental modulation of cycle frequency in the crayfish swimmeret system
Nitric oxide-mediated intersegmental modulation of cycle frequency in the crayfish swimmeret system

Crayfish swimmerets are paired appendages located on the ventral side of each abdominal segment that show rhythmic beating during forward swimming produced by central pattern generators in most abdominal segments. For animals with multiple body segments and limbs, intersegmental coordination of central pattern generators in each segment is crucial for the production of effective movements. Here we develop a novel pharmacological approach to analyse intersegmental modulation of swimmeret rhythm by selectively elevating nitric oxide levels and reducing them with pharmacological agents, in specific ganglia. Bath application of L-arginine, the substrate NO synthesis, increased the cyclical spike responses of the power-stroke motor neurons. By contrast the NOS inhibitor, L-NAME decreased them. To determine the role of the different local centres in producing and controlling the swimmeret rhythm, these two drugs were applied locally to two separate ganglia following bath application of carbachol. Results revealed that there was both ascending and descending intersegmental modulation of cycle frequency of the swimmeret rhythm in the abdominal ganglia and that synchrony of cyclical activity between segments of segments was maintained. We also found that there were gradients in the strength effectiveness in modulation, that ascending modulation of the swimmeret rhythm was stronger than descending modulation.

Central pattern generator, Intersegmental coordination, NO, Swimmeret rhythm
Yoshida, Misaki
Nagayama, Toshiki
Newland, Philip
Yoshida, Misaki
Nagayama, Toshiki
Newland, Philip

Yoshida, Misaki, Nagayama, Toshiki and Newland, Philip (2018) Nitric oxide-mediated intersegmental modulation of cycle frequency in the crayfish swimmeret system. Biology Open, 7 (5), 1-10, [bio032789]. (doi:10.1242/bio.032789).

Record type: Article


Crayfish swimmerets are paired appendages located on the ventral side of each abdominal segment that show rhythmic beating during forward swimming produced by central pattern generators in most abdominal segments. For animals with multiple body segments and limbs, intersegmental coordination of central pattern generators in each segment is crucial for the production of effective movements. Here we develop a novel pharmacological approach to analyse intersegmental modulation of swimmeret rhythm by selectively elevating nitric oxide levels and reducing them with pharmacological agents, in specific ganglia. Bath application of L-arginine, the substrate NO synthesis, increased the cyclical spike responses of the power-stroke motor neurons. By contrast the NOS inhibitor, L-NAME decreased them. To determine the role of the different local centres in producing and controlling the swimmeret rhythm, these two drugs were applied locally to two separate ganglia following bath application of carbachol. Results revealed that there was both ascending and descending intersegmental modulation of cycle frequency of the swimmeret rhythm in the abdominal ganglia and that synchrony of cyclical activity between segments of segments was maintained. We also found that there were gradients in the strength effectiveness in modulation, that ascending modulation of the swimmeret rhythm was stronger than descending modulation.

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Accepted/In Press date: 24 April 2018
e-pub ahead of print date: 21 May 2018
Published date: 2018
Keywords: Central pattern generator, Intersegmental coordination, NO, Swimmeret rhythm


Local EPrints ID: 422918
PURE UUID: e0ecd740-4545-48fa-893f-db4fc17bacca
ORCID for Philip Newland: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 08 Aug 2018 16:30
Last modified: 06 Jun 2024 01:37

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Author: Misaki Yoshida
Author: Toshiki Nagayama
Author: Philip Newland ORCID iD

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