READ ME File For Dataset for Approximate Perturbation aided Lattice Encoding (APPLE) for and Beyond Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0647 ReadMe Author: Yangyishi Zhang, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Zhang, Yangyishi; Zhang, Rong; Al Rawi, Anas F.; Hanzo, Lajos TITLE: Approximate Perturbation aided Lattice Encoding (APPLE) for and Beyond JOURNAL: IEEE Access PAPER DOI IF KNOWN This dataset contains: [DETAILS OF CONTENT OF ZIP FILES] contains the bit loading results over 300MHz bandwidth of the baseband spectrum for two 10-pair DSL binders of lengths 50m and 100m, respectively. contains the symbol error rate performance and the corresponding theoretical lower bounds for LV, NLV and APPLE with respect to the assigned transmit power. Date of data collection: MARCH 2018 - APRIL 2018 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: EP/N004558/1 EP/P034284/1 Date that the file was created: September 2018