READ ME File For 'Dataset for Finite-Cardinality Single-RF Differential Space-Time Modulation for Improving the Diversity-Throughput Tradeoff' DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0644 Related paper: C. Xu, P. Zhang, R. Rajashekar, N. Ishikawa, S. Sugiura, L. Wang and L. Hanzo Finite-Cardinality Single-RF Differential Space-Time Modulation for Improving the Diversity-Throughput Tradeoff IEEE Transactions on Communications (Accepted on 5 Sept 2018) Authors: C. Xu, P. Zhang, R. Rajashekar, N. Ishikawa, S. Sugiura, L. Wang and L. Hanzo C. Xu, R. Rajashekar and L. Hanzo are with the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK (e-mail: {cx1g08,rmr1u14,lh} P. Zhang is with College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China (e-mail: N. Ishikawa is with the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Ohzuka-higashi 731-3194, Japan (e-mail: S. Sugiura is with the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan (e-mail: L. Wang is with Huawei Technology Sweden R\&D Competence Center (e-mail:} Acknowledgement: This work was supported in part by the EPSRC projects EP/Noo4558/1 and EP/PO34284/1, the European Research Council's Advanced Fellow Grant under the QuantCom project and the Royal Society's Wolfson Research Merit Award and the GRCF. The work of N. Ishikawa was supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI under Grant 17H07036. The work of S. Sugiura was supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI under Grants 26709028 and 16KK0120. Dataset Licence: CC BY Data Published: September 2018 Abstract: The matrix-based differential encoding invoked by Differential Space-Time Modulation (DSTM) typically results in an infinite-cardinality of arbitrary signals, despite the fact that the Transmit Antennas (TAs) can only radiate a limited number of patterns. As a remedy, the recently developed Differential Spatial Modulation (DSM) is capable of avoiding this problem by conceiving a beneficial sparse signal matrix design, which also facilitates low-complexity single-RF signal transmission. Inspired by this development, the Differential Space-Time Block Code using Index Shift Keying (DSTBC-ISK) further introduces a beneficial diverstiy gain without compromising the DSM's appealingly low transceiver complexity. However, the DSTBC-ISK's performance advantage tends to diminish as the throughput increases, especially when an increased number of Receive Antennas (RAs) is used. By contrast, the classic Differential Group Code (DGC) that actively maximizes its diversity gain for different Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system setups is capable of achieving a superior performance, but its detection complexity grows exponentially with the throughtput. Against this background, we propose the Differential Space-Time Shift Keying using Diagonal Algebraic Space-Time (DSTSK-DAST) scheme, which is the first DSTM that is capable of achieving the DGC's superior diversity gain at high throughputs without compromising the DSM's low transceiver complexity. As a further advance, we also conceive a new Differential Space-Time Shift Keying using Threaded Algebraic Space-Time (DSTSK-TAST) arrangement, which is capable of achieving an even further improved diversity gain at a substantially reduced signal detection complexity compared to the best DGCs. Furthermore, in order to strike a practical tradeoff, we develop a generic multi-element and multi-level-ring Amplitude Phase Shift Keying (APSK) design, and we also arrange for multiple reduced-size DSTM sub-blocks to be transmitted in a permuted manner, which exhibits an improved diversity-throughput tradeoff. Fig.~1: Constellation_Diagram_DAOSTBC_M_2_T_2_L1_8_L2_8_Data.eps Constellation_Diagram_DAOSTBC_M_2_T_2_L1_8_L2_8_Transmit.eps Fig.~2: Hard_DGC_Cyclic_M_2_N_1_T_2_L_16.eps Fig.~3: Hard_DSTSK_DAST_M_2_N_1_T_2_Q_4_L_16_CDD.eps Fig.~4: Schematic_TAST_DSTSK_TAST_Layers.eps Fig.~5: Det_Prod_M_2.eps Det_Prod_M_4.eps Fig.~6: DSTSK_TAST_M_2_T_2_R_50.eps Fig.~7: Schematic_DR.eps Fig.~8: Hard_SRF_STBC_CDD_M_4_R_250.eps Hard_SRF_STBC_CDD_M_4_R_500.eps Fig.~9: DCMC_Capacity_M_2_R_20.eps Hard_CDD_M_2_R_20.eps Fig.~10: Hard_CDD_M_2_N_1_BER_4_EbN0_TAST_reverse.eps Hard_CDD_M_4_N_1_BER_4_EbN0_TAST_reverse.eps Fig.~11: Complexity_CDD_M_2_N_1_BER_4_EbN0.eps Complexity_CDD_M_4_N_1_BER_4_EbN0.eps Fig.~12: Hard_CDD_M_2_R_20_Rx_4.eps Hard_CDD_M_2_R_50_Rx_4.eps Hard_CDD_M_4_R_200_Rx_4.eps Hard_CDD_M_4_R_500_Rx_4.eps