READ ME File For 'Beneath the Echo Chamber: A Cultural Criminological Analysis of Right Wing Radicalisation on the Web ' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0636 ReadMe Author: Ashton Kingdon, University of Southampton Contents +++++++++ This dataset contains the image corpus and analysis of data collected for an MSc dissertation exploring right-wing radicalisation on the Web. Each of the 300 images have been categorised by their main theme, sub-themes and provenance. The images were collected from the social media platforms of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and 4Chan. Ethics Approval: ERGO 41282 Data is available on request from Data was collected between 2018-06-25 and 2018-07-02 Dataset available under a CC BY NC ND 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: August 2018