Precursors of executive function in infants with sickle cell anemia
Precursors of executive function in infants with sickle cell anemia
Executive dysfunction occurs in sickle cell anemia, but there are few early data. Infants with sickle cell anemia (n = 14) and controls (n = 14) performed the "A-not-B" and Object Retrieval search tasks, measuring precursors of executive function at 9 and 12 months. Significant group differences were not found. However, for the A-not-B task, 7 of 11 sickle cell anemia infants scored in the lower 2 performance categories at 9 months, but only 1 at 12 months (P =.024); controls obtained scores at 12 months that were statistically comparable to the scores they had already obtained at 9 months. On the Object Retrieval task, 9- and 12-month controls showed comparable scores, whereas infants with sickle cell anemia continued to improve (P =.027); at 9 months, those with lower hemoglobin oxygen saturation passed fewer trials (Rs = 0.670, P =.024) and took longer to obtain the toy (Rs = -0.664, P =.013). Subtle delays in acquiring developmental skills may underlie abnormal executive function in childhood.
anemia, cognition, dysfunction, executive, function, neuropsychology, sickle cell
Hogan, Alexandra M.
Telfer, Paul T.
Kirkham, Fenella J.
Haan, Michelle De
October 2013
Hogan, Alexandra M.
Telfer, Paul T.
Kirkham, Fenella J.
Haan, Michelle De
Hogan, Alexandra M., Telfer, Paul T., Kirkham, Fenella J. and Haan, Michelle De
Precursors of executive function in infants with sickle cell anemia.
Journal of Child Neurology, 28 (10), .
Executive dysfunction occurs in sickle cell anemia, but there are few early data. Infants with sickle cell anemia (n = 14) and controls (n = 14) performed the "A-not-B" and Object Retrieval search tasks, measuring precursors of executive function at 9 and 12 months. Significant group differences were not found. However, for the A-not-B task, 7 of 11 sickle cell anemia infants scored in the lower 2 performance categories at 9 months, but only 1 at 12 months (P =.024); controls obtained scores at 12 months that were statistically comparable to the scores they had already obtained at 9 months. On the Object Retrieval task, 9- and 12-month controls showed comparable scores, whereas infants with sickle cell anemia continued to improve (P =.027); at 9 months, those with lower hemoglobin oxygen saturation passed fewer trials (Rs = 0.670, P =.024) and took longer to obtain the toy (Rs = -0.664, P =.013). Subtle delays in acquiring developmental skills may underlie abnormal executive function in childhood.
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Accepted/In Press date: 8 June 2012
Published date: October 2013
anemia, cognition, dysfunction, executive, function, neuropsychology, sickle cell
Local EPrints ID: 424265
ISSN: 0883-0738
PURE UUID: 621d61cd-60b7-466a-95dd-9e3498c70b4e
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Date deposited: 05 Oct 2018 11:35
Last modified: 18 Mar 2024 02:54
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Alexandra M. Hogan
Paul T. Telfer
Michelle De Haan
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