READ ME File For 'JDBM-D-18-00031' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0561 ReadMe Author: Jared Van Blitterswyk, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: J. Van Blitterswyk, L. Fletcher, F. Pierron Image-based inertial impact test for composite interlaminar tensile properties Journal of Dynamic Behaviour of Materials DOI: To be assigned This dataset contains: Videos of full-field displacement, strain, acceleration and strain rate for all specimens along with raw grey level images. Matlab figures for Figs. 7-27 and the complete Matlab processing code are also included. The figures are as follows: Fig. 7a,b - Simulated (a) systematic and (b) random error of E33 identification for 1-3 plane specimen, 0.3 mm grid, 6 pixels/period sampling Fig. 8a,b - Simulated maximum total error for E33 identification for 1-3 plane specimen, (a) 0.3 mm grid (6 pixels/period sampling), and (b) 0.337 mm grid (7 pixels/period sampling) Fig. 9a,b - Simulated maximum total error for identification of (a) Q33 identification and (b) Q23 identification for 2-3 plane specimen, 0.3 mm grid, 6 pixels/period sampling Fig. 10a,b - Simulated maximum total error for identification of (a) Q33 identification and (b) Q23 identification for 2-3 plane specimen, 0.3 mm grid, 6 pixels/period sampling Fig. 11a,b,c,d - Specimen #2-P[1-3]: experimental displacement fields (a) ux @ 7 us, (b) ux @ 17 us, (c) uy @ 7 us, (d) uy @ 17 us Fig. 12a,b,c,d - Specimen #6-B[1-3]: experimental displacement fields (a) ux @ 8 us, (b) ux @ 18 us, (c) uy @ 8 us, (d) uy @ 18 us Fig. 13a,b,c,d - Specimen #2-P[1-3]: experimental acceleration fields (a) ax @ 7 us, (b) ax @ 17 us, (c) ay @ 7 us, (d) ay @ 17 us Fig. 14a,b,c,d - Specimen #6-B[1-3]: experimental acceleration fields (a) ax @ 8 us, (b) ax @ 18 us, (c) ay @ 8 us, (d) ay @ 18 us Fig. 15 - Average axial force and axial stress profiles for specimen #2-P[1-3], and #6-B[2-3] Fig. 16a,b,c,d,e,f - Specimen #2-P[1-3]: experimental strain fields (a) exx @ 7 us, (b) exx @ 17 us, (c) eyy @ 7 us, (d) eyy @ 17 us, (e) exy @ 7 us, (f) exy @ 17 us Fig. 17a,b,c,d,e,f - Specimen #6-B[1-3]: experimental strain fields (a) exx @ 8 us, (b) exx @ 18 us, (c) eyy @ 8 us, (d) eyy @ 18 us, (e) exy @ 8 us, (f) exy @ 18 us Fig. 18a,b - Specimen #2-P[1-3]: experimental strain rate fields (a) d/dt(exx) @ 7 us, (b) d/dt(exx) @ 17 us Fig. 19a,b - Specimen #6-B[1-3]: experimental strain rate fields (a) d/dt(exx) @ 8 us, (b) d/dt(exx) @ 18 us Fig. 20 - Identification of E33 using reduced special optimised virtual fields method for all 1-3 plane specimens Fig. 21 - Identification of Q33 using isotropic special optimised virtual fields method for all 2-3 plane specimens Fig. 22 - Identification of Q23 using isotropic special optimised virtual fields method for all 2-3 plane specimens Fig. 23a,b - Stress-strain curves generated near the middle of the sample using the stress-gauge equation for (a) specimens #2-P[1-3] and #7-B[1-3], (b) specimens #2-P[2-3] and #6-B[2-3] Fig. 24 - Identification of E33 from stress-strain curves reconstructed using the stress-gauge equation for all 1-3 plane specimens Fig. 25 - Identification of Q33 from stress-strain curves reconstructed using the stress-gauge equation for all 2-3 plane specimens Fig. 26a,b,c,d,e,f - Strength identification diagnostics for specimen #2-P[1-3]: (a) stress field reconstructed from strains at 15 us, (b) stress field reconstructed using the linear stress-gauge equation at 15 us, (c) raw, un-smoothed strain field at 19 us, (d) stress field reconstructed from strains at 19 us, (e) stress field reconstructed using the linear stress-gauge equation at 19 us, (f) stress-strain curve using average stress and strain from within a virtual gauge region around the location of fracture. Fig. 27a,b,c,d - Comparison of temporal variations in average stress within the virtual guage region at the location of fracture as reconstructed using the stress-gauge equation and linear stress-gauge equation: (a) specimen #2-P[1-3], (b) specimen #7-B[1-3], (c) specimen #2-P[2-3] and (d) specimen #6-B[2-3]. Date of data collection: 18 July 2018 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: Date that the file was created: December 2017