READ ME File For 'Dataset for 'Ultra-Low Power 18-Transistor Fully-Static Contention-Free Single-Phase Clocked Flip-Flop in 65nm CMOS' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0678 Readme author: Yunpeng Cai, University of Southampton This dataset supports the article entitled "Ultra-Low Power 18-Transistor Fully-Static Contention-Free Single-Phase Clocked Flip-Flop in 65nm CMOS" accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, October 2018 Data Supporting Figures: in Date_set: Fig 8 - Normalized Energy/cycle with activity rate= 100% at nominal supply voltage (1.2V for 65nm CMOS, 1.0V for 45nm FDSOI [9]) and NTV (0.6V for 65nm CMOS, 0.4V for 45nm FDSOI [9]. Fig 9 - 10K Monte-Carlo simulation results of D-to-Q Delay. Fig 13b - Measured power of 320-bit Shift-Reg against activity rate at (b) 0.6V with 25C Fig 14 - Measured total power of 320-bit Shift-Reg with (a) activity rate = 100% (b) activity rate = 0% with fixed clock frequency (FBoard MAX = 66 MHz) at different supply voltage. Fig 15 - Measured results of the 18TSPC AES-128 block (Typical Die). Fig 16 - Vmin distribution of Shift-Reg over 92 test chips. Fig 17 - Functional Vmin of AES-128 block and Shift-Reg with 0.1 MHz clock frequency at different temperature condition. text data: P4_007_B22_0C1p2V66MHz_2018125_141242_AS - measurement at 1.2V/66MHz/0C P4_007_B22_25C1p2V66MHz_2018125_122931_AS - measurement at 1.2V/66MHz/25C P4_007_B22_85C1p2V66MHz_2018125_153335_AS - measurement at 1.2V/66MHz/85C which support the Fig 13a Geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: October 2018