READ ME File For Nano-mechanical metamaterial electro-optic electrostrictor dataset Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0663 ReadMe Author: Artemios Karvounis, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Artemios Karvounis*, Behrad Gholipour, Kevin F. MacDonald, and Nikolay I. Zheludev TITLE: Large electro-optical effect through electrostriction in a nano-mechanical metamaterial JOURNAL: Advanced Materials PAPER DOI: Description: This research data description should be read and understood in the context of the corresponding manuscript. The figure numbers in the dataset correspond to the figure numbers of the manuscript and the data corresponds to the data as shown in the figures. The figures are as follows: Fig. 2 Optical characteristics of the Si/ITO nanowire metamaterial. (a) Measured transmission [solid blue line] and reflection [solid red line] spectra of the Si/ITO nanowire metamaterial shown in Figure 1 for TE-polarized light and corresponding [polarization independent] spectra for the unstructured Si/ITO bilayer [dashed lines]. Fig. 3(a) EO tuning of Si/ITO metamaterial transmission. Spectral dispersion of the relative change in transmission of the Si/ITO nanowire metamaterial for a selection of applied DC electrical bias levels [as labelled]. The inset shows the spectral dispersion of absolute transmission around the resonant wavelength for zero and 2V bias settings. Fig. 3(c) Maximum electric field amplitude [at the midpoint of the gap between the nanowires] as a function of gap size, for a fixed 1V bias. Fig. 4 Dynamic electro-optic modulation of Si/ITO metamaterial transmission. Relative change in transmission at 1550 nm of the Si/ITO nanowire metamaterial shown in Figure 1 as a function of the drive voltage modulation frequency, for a fixed peak bias a = 500 mV. The inset shows the peak magnitude of induced transmission change at 6 MHz as a function of peak bias voltage a. Fig. 5 Si/ITO metamaterial electrostriction. (a) Numerically simulated spectral dispersion of Si/ITO nanowire metamaterial transmission as a function of strain, defined as the relative change in the size of the gaps between nanowires, for wavelengths of 1490 (blue) and 1550 nm (red) at which maximally positive and negative proportionalities are observed. Fig. 5(b) Strain induced within the metamaterial structure [from experimental measurements of optical transmission at 1490 nm for DC bias and 1550 nm for AC bias, via proportionalities derived from panel (a)] as a function of applied DC and peak AC (f = 6 MHz) electric field squared. License: [Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence] Date of data collection: [April 2018] Related projects: This work was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grants EP/M009122/1 and EP/N00762X/1] and the Singapore Ministry of Education [grant MOE2016-T3-1-006] Date that the file was created: October, 2018