READ ME File For Dataset for High-speed silicon modulators for the 2 μm wavelength band' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0467 ReadMe Author: Wei Cao, Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Wei Cao, David Hagan, David J. Thomson, Milos Nedeljkovic, Callum G. Littlejohns, Andy Knights, Shaif-Ul Alam, Junjia Wang, Frederic Gardes, Weiwei Zhang, Shenghao Liu, Ke Li, Mohamed Said Rouifed, Guo Xin, Wanjun Wang, Hong Wang, Graham T. Reed, and Goran Z. Mashanovich, "High-speed silicon modulators for the 2  μm wavelength band," Optica 5, 1055-1062 (2018) DOI: This dataset contains data for the figures: Fig. 2 Mode analysis of a rib waveguide in the 220 nm SOI platform with 90 nm slab thickness. The calculated loss does not consider roughness. (a) Simulated optical mode effective refractive index with fixed waveguide width of 550 nm. (b) Simulated optical mode loss with fixed waveguide width of 550 nm. (c) Simulated optical mode effective refractive index with fixed wavelength of 1950 nm. (d) Simulated optical mode loss with fixed wavelength of 1950 nm. Fig. 4 Simulated effective refractive index change and loss of a phase shifter with the adopted design due to carrier effect under 4 V reverse bias across the 1450–2250 nm wavelength range. The blue line shows the refractive index change for the 550 nm wide waveguide. The light gray line shows the refractive index change for a waveguide width optimized at each wavelength, with a width ranging from 450–650 nm. The red-dotted line shows loss with the adopted 550 nm wide waveguide. The dark blue-dashed line is the simulated loss from a similar phase shifter design but with larger 1.7 μm 𝑆dop𝑃 and 𝑆dop𝑁 to serve as the reference loss of the low-doped region. Fig. 5 MZI modulator phase shifter simulation in 1950 nm. (a) Simulated loss versus high concentration doping separation with fixed junction offset 0. (b) Simulated L𝜋 versus high concentration doping separation with fixed junction offset 0. (c) Simulated loss versus junction offset with fixed high concentration doping separation ( 𝑆dop𝑁 ) 1.125 μm for 𝑛+ and ( 𝑆dop𝑃 ) 1.025 μm for 𝑝+ . (d) Simulated L𝜋 versus high concentration doping separation with fixed junction offset 0. Fig. 9 Experimental and simulated phase shift for a MZI modulator with 0.15 cm long phase shifter. (a) Phase shift at 1550 nm. (b) Phase shift at 1950 nm. Fig. 12 Experiment and simulated resonance shift for a 10 μm radius ring modulator with 64% PN junction coverage for a wavelength of 1937 nm. Fig. 13 DC characterization results for the microring modulator. (a) Ring response shift under various forward bias voltages. (b) Extinction ratio of the transmitted power between 0–1.5 V forward bias. Date of data collection: 30 June 2018 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (EP/L01162X/1, EP/L021129/1, EP/N00762X/1); Royal Academy of Engineering (M. Nedeljkovic fellowship RF201617/16/33); National Research Foundation Singapore (NRF) (NRF-CRP12-2013-04); Royal Society (D. J. Thomson Fellowship UF150325). Date that the file was created: October, 2018