READ ME File For 'Dataset for Rapid multiplexed detection on later-flow devices using a laser direct-write technique' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0454 ReadMe Author: Peijun He, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: 'Rapid multiplexed detection on later-flow devices using a laser direct-write technique' Contents +++++++++ This dataset contains which are used for generating Fig.4c,Fig 4d and Fig.6. These figures are plotted using Excel. The figures are as follows: Fig. 4c Calibration curve constructed using the grayscale intensity values taken from the image shown in Figure 4a. Error bars indicate the standard deviation for 3 individual measurements. Fig. 4d Calibration curve constructed using the grayscale intensity values taken from the image shown in Figure 4b. Error bars indicate the standard deviation for 3 individual measurements. Fig. 6 Plots showing direct comparison of the measured colour intensities of test lines that appeared in standard single LFDs, single-channel multiplexed LFDs and our LDW patterned dual-channel LFDs for detection of CRP & SAA1 respectively at concentrations of 50 ng/mL, 100 ng/mL and 1 µg/ml. Error bars indicate the standard deviation for 3 individual measurements. Geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: 'Early stage, point-of-care detection and antibiotic-resistance testing enabled with laser-patterned microfluidic devices on low-cost paper platforms' 'Laser-based engineering (Lab-flo)' Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: Octomber 2018