Wind-driven transport of fresh shelf water into the upper 30m of the Labrador Sea
Wind-driven transport of fresh shelf water into the upper 30m of the Labrador Sea
The Labrador Sea is one of a small number of deep convection sites in the North Atlantic that contribute to the meridional overturning circulation. Buoyancy is lost from surface waters during winter, allowing the formation of dense deep water. During the last few decades, mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet has accelerated, releasing freshwater into the high-latitude North Atlantic. This and the enhanced Arctic freshwater export in recent years have the potential to add buoyancy to surface waters, slowing or suppressing convection in the Labrador Sea. However, the impact of freshwater on convection is dependent on whether or not it can escape the shallow, topographically trapped boundary currents encircling the Labrador Sea. Previous studies have estimated the transport of freshwater into the central Labrador Sea by focusing on the role of eddies. Here, we use a Lagrangian approach by tracking particles in a global, eddy-permitting (1/12°) ocean model to examine where and when freshwater in the surface 30m enters the Labrador Sea basin. We find that 60% of the total freshwater in the top 100m enters the basin in the top 30m along the eastern side. The year-to-year variability in freshwater transport from the shelves to the central Labrador Sea, as found by the model trajectories in the top 30m, is dominated by wind-driven Ekman transport rather than eddies transporting freshwater into the basin along the northeast.
Schulze Chretien, Lena M.
Frajka-Williams, Eleanor
15 October 2018
Schulze Chretien, Lena M.
Frajka-Williams, Eleanor
Schulze Chretien, Lena M. and Frajka-Williams, Eleanor
Wind-driven transport of fresh shelf water into the upper 30m of the Labrador Sea.
Ocean Science, 14 (5), .
The Labrador Sea is one of a small number of deep convection sites in the North Atlantic that contribute to the meridional overturning circulation. Buoyancy is lost from surface waters during winter, allowing the formation of dense deep water. During the last few decades, mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet has accelerated, releasing freshwater into the high-latitude North Atlantic. This and the enhanced Arctic freshwater export in recent years have the potential to add buoyancy to surface waters, slowing or suppressing convection in the Labrador Sea. However, the impact of freshwater on convection is dependent on whether or not it can escape the shallow, topographically trapped boundary currents encircling the Labrador Sea. Previous studies have estimated the transport of freshwater into the central Labrador Sea by focusing on the role of eddies. Here, we use a Lagrangian approach by tracking particles in a global, eddy-permitting (1/12°) ocean model to examine where and when freshwater in the surface 30m enters the Labrador Sea basin. We find that 60% of the total freshwater in the top 100m enters the basin in the top 30m along the eastern side. The year-to-year variability in freshwater transport from the shelves to the central Labrador Sea, as found by the model trajectories in the top 30m, is dominated by wind-driven Ekman transport rather than eddies transporting freshwater into the basin along the northeast.
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Accepted/In Press date: 7 September 2018
e-pub ahead of print date: 15 October 2018
Published date: 15 October 2018
Local EPrints ID: 425652
ISSN: 1812-0784
PURE UUID: 9532c54d-189e-49c4-9cba-9f9054de6f0e
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Date deposited: 31 Oct 2018 17:30
Last modified: 18 Mar 2024 03:14
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Lena M. Schulze Chretien
Eleanor Frajka-Williams
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