READ ME File For 'Data for Turbulence and dispersion below and above the interface of the internal and the external boundary layers' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D06037 ReadMe Author: XXXXXXXXXXX, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Sessa, V., Xie, Z-T., & Herring, S. (2018). Turbulence and dispersion below and above the interface of the internal and the external boundary layers. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 182, 189-201. DOI: 10.1016/j.jweia.2018.09.021 Contents +++++++++ Figure1: The array configuration with dimensions of buildings and streets, the coordinate system, the flow direction, the distance from the leading edge, source position and measurements locations; Figure2: Vertical profiles of prescribed integral length scales at the LES inlet; Figure3a: Vertical profiles of laterally averaged mean velocity from LES at inlet and prescribed mean velocity from experiments; Figure3b: Vertical profiles of prescribed Reynolds stresses at the LES inlet and experimental values; Figure4a: IBC and wind tunnel mean velocity profiles measured at x=15h and spanwise averaged for position P in Fig.1. Periodic mean velocity values were averaged at all similar points across the array; Figure4b: IBC and wind tunnel streamwise normal stress measured at x=15h and spanwise averaged for position P in Fig.1. Periodic mean velocity values were averaged at all similar points across the array; Figure4c: IBC and wind tunnel lateral normal stress measured at x=15h and spanwise averaged for position P in Fig.1. Periodic mean velocity values were averaged at all similar points across the array; Figure4d: IBC and wind tunnel vertical normal stress measured at x=15h and spanwise averaged for position P in Fig.1. Periodic mean velocity values were averaged at all similar points across the array; Figure5: Laterally averaged mean velocity profiles in 9 streamwise locations: 1 upstream and 8 downstream of the leading edge (LE). The velocity profiles are shifted upwards to facilitate interpretation; Figure6: Laterally averaged vertical Reynolds stress profiles at 9 streamwise locations: 1 upstream and 8 downstream of the leading edge (LE). The stress profiles are shifted downwards to facilitate interpretation; Figure7: IBL depth derived by using the mean velocity (method I, square green), the streamwise stress (method II, diamond blue) and the vertical stress (method III, circle red). These data fit to power-law profiles with lines respectively; Figure8a: Inflow, periodic and wind tunnel normalized mean concentration values measured at x=16h and y=0.5h, resulting from a source at x=14h and z=-1.5h; Figure8b: Normalized mean scalar variance measured at x=16h and y=0.5h; Figure9a: Inflow, periodic and wind tunnel normalized mean concentration data measured above the canopy at x=16h and y=2h, for a source at x=14h and z=-1.5h; Figure9b: Normalized mean scalar variance measured at x=16h and y=2h; Figure10a: Inflow, periodic and wind tunnel normalized mean concentration measured at x=18h and z=-1.5h, resulting from source at x=14h and z=-1.5h; Figure10b: Normalized mean scalar variance measured at x=18h and z=-1.5h; Figure11: Turbulent vertical flux profiles scaled by 100 at four locations downstream of the source position. The black dashed line shows the IBL interface over the block array; Figure12a: Spanwise normalized mean concentration predictions at x=18h and y=1.5h; Figure12b: Spanwise normalized lateral flux predictions at x=18h and y=1.5h, resulting from a ground level source at x=14h and z=-1.5h; Figure13a: Normalized mean concentration prediction at x=20h and y=1.5h; Figure13b: Inflow and periodic normalized lateral flux predictions at x=20h and y=1.5h, resulting from a source at x=14h and z=-1.5h; Figure14: Dimensionless scalar concentration scaled by 2 in four locations downstream of the source position. The black dashed line shows the IBL interface. The plume edge is taken as 3% of the local peak in both LES simulations. Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: November 2018