READ ME File For 'Dataset for Velocimetry of cold atoms by matter-wave interferometry' Dataset DOI:10.5258/SOTON/D0383 ReadMe Author: Max Carey, University of Southampton [ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5283-5972] This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Max Carey, Jack Saywell, Mohammad Belal, and Tim Freegarde TITLE: Velocimetry of cold atoms by matter-wave interferometry JOURNAL: Physical Review A PAPER DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.99.023631 The paper relates to the measurement of the velocity distribution of atoms within a laser-cooled sample by the means of atom interferometry, by employing an asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Data are attached for interferometer output used in 3 velocity profile measurements, with corresponding Raman Doppler spectroscopic measurements of the profiles for comparison. The first column of each data file is the parameter varied, either the temporal asymmetry of the interferometer (in ns) for the interferometer data, or the laser detuning (in kHz) for the spectroscopic measurements. The "output" columns are measurements of the fraction of atoms in the upper energy state. If multiple data are taken for a single point, more that one "output" column is present and additional columns are included for the mean and standard deviation. When there is only one output column, the uncertainty in the measurement of the excited state population is given. Data files with the "doppler-" prefix are the spectroscopic measurements, while each interferometer measurement has two data files taken with ("-inphase" suffix) and without ("-quadrature" suffix) a pi/2 phase shift prior to the final interferometer pulse. The numerical suffix links spectroscopic and interferometric measurements taken under the same conditions. Date of data collection: From 22/08/2017 to 18/10/2017 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: CC-BY Related projects: UK-Fr Research PhD - Max Carey - Quantum Coherent... Date that the file was created: Feb, 2019, updated Oct 2021