READ-ME.file for Raw Data for "Cavity-Enhanced Harmonic Generation in Silicon Rich Nitride Photonic Crystal Microresonators" Dataset DOI:10.5258/SOTON/D684 Readme Author: Moise Sotto, University of Southampton This dataset support the publication: Clementi, M, Debnath, K, Sotto, MSH, Khokhar, AZ, Dom�nguez Bucio, T, Saito, S, Gardes, F, Bajoni, D & Galli, M 2019, 'Cavity-enhanced harmonic generation in silicon rich nitride photonic crystal microresonators' APL Photonics. The appropriate way to reproduce each figure of the article: "Cavity-Enhanced Harmonic Generation in Silicon Rich Nitride Photonic Crystal Microresonators" with the data-set files is listed below: Fig 1.(c) Simulated near-field profile of the fundamental resonance mode (in-plane electric field amplitude|E|, normalized linear scale). Fig 1.(d) Far-field projection of the simulated fundamental resonant mode (electric field amplitude |E|). The main lobe at theta = 0 was optimized to match a focused Gaussian beam profile impinging orthogonal to the cavity plane. Grid ranges from 0 to 90 degrees. Fig 2.(b) RS spectrum and Fano fit for the fundamental (pump) resonant mode of the cavity. Fig 2.(c) Estimated coupling efficiency Fig 2.(d) Figure of merit (nc x Q) for selected samples as a function of the radius variation Delta R introduced to optimize the coupling to far-field. Fig 4.(a) Sample spectrum of the generated SH and TH. Fig 4.(b) High power spectrum of the cavity resonance and comparison with the generated SH and TH signals. Fig 4.(c) Scaling trends of the (peak) generated SH and TH signals. Related Projects: Electronic-Photonic Convergence: A Platform Grant HERMES: High dEnsity silicon geRManium intEgrated photonicS EP/K02423X/1 COSMICC - H2020 - F.Gardes - GA688516 Date that the file was created: March 2019