Read me file: University of Southampton - ORC - Ioannis Katis - The excel file contains experimental data for the paper. In particular: Figure 4 Time for a 30 μl volume of red dye solution to flow through the whole LFD and be absorbed by the absorbent pad Figure 5. Time for the sample to flow through the constriction, averaged over three measurements; showing that a narrower flow path increases the flow speed (Errors bars were too small to be presented in this figure) Figure 6. Effect of the constriction width on the area of the test line Figure 8. Increase of the colour intensity measurements by decreasing the width of the test zone at different concentrations of CRP Figure 9. Ratio of colour intensities between the 1 mm and 5 mm constriction devices for a range of analyte concentrations Figure 10. The limit of detection for the CRP lateral flow assay depending on the constriction width on the membrane Date of data collection: from June 2017 to August 2017 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Date that the file was created: January 2018