This is the overall ReadMe file for the data for “Data for Numerical studies of cavitation erosion on an elastic-plastic material caused by shock-induced bubble collapse” with Pure ID 25372102, available at with doi=10.5258/SOTON/D0195 These data are associated with the following journal paper: Turangan, C.K., Ball, G.J., Jamaluddin, A.R. and Leighton, T.G. (2017) Numerical studies of cavitation erosion on an elastic-plastic material caused by shock-induced bubble collapse, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473(2205),20170315, 20 pages (doi: 10.1098/rspa.2017.0315) [used as cover image] Notes to include with these files: The files are: * ESM main file * Movie clip * Look-up table for figures 1,2,3 in the ESM main file These "look-up tables" contain the time, coordinates of cell particles and their important variables (density, temperature, pressure, velocity and material type). These tables are obtained from the FLM simulation data files read by the FLM code. The data can be read using excel for plotting.