READ ME File For 'Aqueous Underwater Test on PDMS Conformally Encapsulated Capacitive Touch and Proximity Sensing Circuit E-Textiles' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0865 ReadMe Author: Olivia Olamide Ojuroye, University of Southampton This dataset supports the thesis entitled 'Tailored Polydimethylsiloxane Circuit Encapsulation for Washable and Mechanically-Deformable Proximity and Touch Sensing Electronic Textiles for Wearables and Beyond' AWARDED BY: Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences DATE OF AWARD: 23/07/2019 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA This data is a compilation of numerous experiments that ultimately made a NXP Semiconductor PCF8883US bare die copper-polyimide circuit survive underwater and detergent/fabric conditioner washing in a commercial washing machine. This data is related to dataset Aqueous Polydimethlysiloxane (PDMS) Mixing Ratio Determination Tests for encapsulating circuits for E-Textile applications This is because the PDMS mixing ratio determined in that experiment was used in the underwater tests from this dataset. The PDMS-encapsulated circuits were submerged in 300ml of water within a air-tight plastic container and were tested for proximity and touch sensing each month of submerger. The data in this set were collected at the University of Southampton, Test Lab, Zepler Building, Level 4. This dataset contains: Experimental data that was published in conference paper titled 'Improving the integration of e-textile microsystems' encapsulation by modifying PDMS formulation' Date of data collection: June - July 2018 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Related projects/Funders: This research was funded in the UK by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) via the project: Novel manufacturing methods for Functional Electronic TexTiles (FETT). Grant number: EP/M015149/1. Date that the file was created: April, 2019