This file is contains the raw data used in "A pattern search algorithm for distributed blackboard based multidisciplinary design optimisation frameworks" published in the Journal of Aircraft. Copyright 2018 Nickolay Jelev, This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Apache License for more details. You should have received a copy of the Apache License file along with this toolset. If not, see . The data is split into the folders: \0. Exhaustive Run \1. MDPS(NS), \2. MDPS(PM), \3. MDPS(DC), \4. MDPS(TM), \5. MDPS(No PM), \6.Bound_Move_Sequential, \7.Start_MultiStart_Gap_0_05, \8.Start_MultiStart_Gap_0_25, \9.Start_MultiStart_Gap_0_50, \10.Start_Multistart_Gap_0_75, \11.Start_MultiStart_Gap_1_00, \12.Files to that generate plots. Each folder contains data related to the work published in different sections in the journal paper. Folder 0 relates to Section V.A. Folders 1 - 5 relate to Section V.I.2. Folder 6 relates to Section V.I.3. Folder 7 - 11. relates to Section V.I.4. Folders 1 - 11 contain the following files: UAV_MDPS_Smaller_Bounds_Start - UAV problem file, which when run generate the necessary data RBA_Tabu - Suplimentary file that contains the Multidisciplinary Pattern Search algorithm Noise_anal - File that generates the plots MultiStart - This data file contains the 150 starting points for the problems Folders 1 - 11 each contain the following folders: blackboard - Directory needed that contains data files for one run of the UAV problem *last directory - Contains the raw data from the tests Folder 6 also contains an additional file: Factor_proccessing_plots - Additioanl plotting script Folder 0 Contains the following files and folders: blackboard - Directory needed that contains data files for one run of the UAV problem Data - Contains raw data with exhaustive runs of the UAV problem for multiple geometries PlotOptTrace - Plotting script UAV_Exhaustive_Plots - Plotting script UAV_Surf - Plotting script UAV_Surf_Trace_Plot - Plotting script UAV_Exhaustive_Run - File that runs the UAV problem for exhaustive analysis runs