READ ME File For 'Dataset title' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0574 ReadMe Author: Yi LI, Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Li, Y., Arumugam, S., Krishnan, C., Charlton, M., & Beeby, S. (2018). Fully Spray Coated Organic Solar Cells on Woven Polyester Cotton Fabric for Wearable Energy Harvesting Applications. Advanced Electronic Materials. DESCRIPTION [Add appropriate description of the content of the dataset. This can be based around the figures in the paper or the files contained in the dataset. Remove what is not appropriate.] This dataset contains: Data supporting the above article and includes: Images for Figure 1: a) Plain view and b) Cross-sectional view of woven 65/35 polyester cotton fabric substrate. c) Interface coated fabric substrate. d) cross-sectional SEM image shows the spray coated layer sequence on the fabric substrate (from top down: AgNW, PEDOT:PSS, active layer, ZnO-NP, Ag and interface layer on textile) Figure 2: Pictorial representation of the fully solution processed spray coated fabric solar cells Figure 4: a) Photo image of the bending machine for testing the durability of the spray coated solar cells on textiles. b) Photo image of the encapsulated spray coated solar cells on textiles. Figure 6: Isometric view of the schematic diagram of the spray coated organic solar cells with each layer defined. Origin files for the graph data contained in Figure 3: a) J/V characteristics of OSCs fabricated on FTO (type 1), bare glass substrate (type 2) and fabric substrate (type 3) using the spray coating method. b) EQE and UV-Vis spectra of type 1 device. Figure 5: J/V curves of device type 3 after (a) outer and (b) inner bending cycling tests. Tables ... Date of data collection: February 2015 - November 2017 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: SPHERE - A Sensor Platform for Healthcare in a Residential Environment Energy Harvesting Materials for Smart Fabrics and Interactive Textiles Licence - CC BY 4.0 Date that the file was created: July 2018