READ ME File For Dataset for Particle and salinity sensing for the marine environment via deep learning using a Raspberry Pi Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0758 ReadMe Author: James A Grant-Jacob, University of Southampton ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4270-4247 This dataset supports the publication: Grant-Jacob, J., Xie, Y., MacKay, B. S., Praeger, M., McDonnell, M. D. T., Heath, D. J., ... Mills, B. (2019). Particle and salinity sensing for the marine environment via deep learning using a Raspberry Pi. Environmental Research Communications, 1(1) This dataset contains: Figure_1.bmp is an image of the training setup. Figure_2.bmp is an image of the schematic of the training neural network. Figure_3a.txt is the data for the prediction of solids concentration versus actual solids concentration including the error for silicon dioxide particles. Figure_3b.txt is the data for the prediction of solids concentration versus actual solids concentration including the error for melamine resin particles. Figure_4.txt is the data for the prediction of salinity versus actual salinity including the error. Date of data collection: ADD IN COLLECTION DATES Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Related projects: Ben Mills - Beam-shaping for laser-based additive and subtractive manufacturing technology EPSRC EP/N03368X/1 A New Mechanism Behind the Health Effects of Air Pollution? The Academy of Medical Sciences SBF003/1063 Date that the file was created: May, 2019