READ ME File For Dataset for Modular transmission line probes for microfluidic nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0941 ReadMe Author: Sharma, Manvendra, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Sharma, Manvendra & Utz, Marcel TITLE: Modular transmission line probes for microfluidic nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging JOURNAL: Journal of Magnetic Resonance PAPER DOI: This dataset contains: All the figures have the same index as they have in the manuscript. Figure 1 to figure 5 are the design, drawing and photographs. The data for figure 6 to figure 12 are in the folders of the same name. For figure 6, S11 and s22 are the reflected powers and s12 and s21 are transmitted powers through the other channels. Data was plated in Matlab. For figure 7, left image was made from datasets 36 and 37, and the right image was made from datasets 43 and 44. Data sets were recorded on paravision 6. Data was processed through a script written in Julia (chip field map.ipynb). Data for figure 8 was recorded on VNMRJ and processed on Matlab. Data for figure 9 was recorded on VNMRJ and processed on Mathematica using the lineshape-sensitivity script. Data for figure 10 was recorded on VNMRJ and processed using Matlab. Data for figure 11 left is in (009_HSQC_100mM_C13_glucose_pwx_optimised_offest_sw_adjusted.fid) and for right is in (202_HSQC_ubiquitin_64incr_64av_nopresat.fid). The data was processed using Mathematica. In figure 12 gradient echo image data is in 695, RARE8 data is in 702, Spain echo image data is in 689 and field map was made using 695 and 691. Data was recorded on paravision 5.1 and processed using scripts written in Julia. Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: None Related projects: H2020 FETOPEN TISuMR Marcel Utz 11/05/16 Date that the file was created: May, 2018