This README describes how to access the data Author: J. W. Steer Email: Date: 19 June 2019 Notes ----------- This research data repository relates specifically to the data behind the figures contained within the thesis. The raw MRI and surface scan data collected cannot be made publically available under the terms of the study ethics. However, this can be accessed upon request and following the completion of secondary data ethics. The geometry of the ImpAmp implant cannot be released due to commercial sensitivities. Due to the file size, further raw data is stored within the University and available on request. The data for this thesis is provided in 5 python .pkl files relating to each of the figures generated in the thesis. The data for Chapter 6 is stored in two seperate DOIs (10.5258/SOTON/D0848) and (10.5258/SOTON/D0980), corresponding to the two papers arising from this chapter "Predictive Prosthetic Socket Design. Part 1: population-based evaluation of transtibial prosthetic sockets by FEA-driven Surrogate Modelling" and "Predictive Prosthetic Socket Design. Part 2: person-specific concept design using multi-objective Genetic Algorithms", repectively. Contents ------------ chapter2.pkl - Data file relating to the soft tissue models chapter3.pkl - Data file relating to the sensitivity analysis chapter4.pkl - Data file relating to the analysis of socket shape and fit chapter5.pkl - Data file relating to the ImpAmp study Opening the data file --------------------- The data files are encoded using the pickle package in python 3.6. The data is all stored within numpy arrays. The authors recommend downloading the anaconda distribution of python. """ import pickle import numpy with open('data.pkl', 'rb') as f: Data = pickle.load(f) """ Exploring the data file -------------------- Each data file comes with its own README which details how to access the data behind each figure