READ ME File For '"Near-Perfect" Finite-Cardinality Generalized Space-Time Shift Keying' IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Accepted on 22 June 2019) Authors: C. Xu, P. Zhang, R. Rajashekar, N. Ishikawa, S. Sugiura, Z. Wang and L. Hanzo C. Xu, R. Rajashekar and L. Hanzo are with the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK (e-mail: \{cx1g08,rmr1u14,lh\} P. Zhang is with College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China (e-mail: N. Ishikawa is with the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Ohzuka-higashi 731-3194, Japan (e-mail: S. Sugiura is with the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan (e-mail: Zhaocheng Wang is with Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (e-mail: Acknowledgement: L. Hanzo would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council projects EP/Noo4558/1, EP/PO34284/1, COALESCE, of the Royal Society’s Global Challenges Research Fund Grant, of the Royal Society Grant IF170002 as well as of the European Research Council’s Advanced Fellow Grant QuantCom. The work of P. Zhang was supported in part by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61601304, in part by the Foundation of Shenzhen under Grant JCYJ20170302142545828, in part by the Foundation of Shenzhen University under Grant 2016057. The work of N. Ishikawa was supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI under Grant 19K14987. The work of S. Sugiura was supported in part by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI under Grants 17K18871 and 16KK0120. Abstract: Two decades of full-diversity high-rate MIMO research has created perfect Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) including the Golden code. However, the major stumbling block of their wide-spread employment is their limited energy-efficiency. On one hand, the superposition of their signals results in a high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR). On the other hand, the total number of equivalent Inter-Antenna Interference (IAI) contributions that the receiver has to deal with is increased to $\text{IAI}=M^2$ upon using $M$ Transmit Antennas (TAs), which is a substantial extra price compared to the $\text{IAI}=M$ of V-BLAST. Against this background, we propose a new family of Finite-Cardinality Generalized Space-Time Shift Keying (FC-GSTSK). More explicitly, the proposed FC-GSTSK is capable of outperforming both V-BLAST and STBC, which is the ultimate objective of full-diversity high-rate MIMO design. Furthermore, following the index modulation philosophy, the proposed FC-GSTSK replaces the signal-additions by the data-carrying signal-selection process. As a benefit, the FC-GSTSK substantially reduces the PAPR of signal transmission. As a further advantage, the equivalent IAI imposed on signal detection is reduced back to the same level as that of V-BLAST. Moreover, the proposed FC-GSTSK is even capable of consistently outperforming the perfect STBCs in terms of its Peak Signal to Noise-power Ratio (PSNR) that takes into account the power consumption at the transmitter. As a further advance, the reduced-RF-chain based version of FC-GSTSK is also capable of outperforming both Generalized Spatial Modulation (GSM) and Space-Time Block Coded Spatial Modulation (STBC-SM) without increasing the PAPR and the equivalent IAI. Fig.~1: Schematic_TAST_Layers.eps Fig.~2: Schematic_Golden.eps Schematic_FC_GSTSK.eps Fig.~3: Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_3_Theory.eps Fig.~4: Hard_Metric_div_prod_div_sum.eps Hard_Metric_div_prod_div_sum_ave.eps Fig.~5: CCMC_FDFR03_N_2.eps DCMC_FDFR03_M_2_N_2.eps DCMC_FDFR03_M_2_N_2_PSNR.eps Fig.~6: Constellation_Diagram_16_Star_QAM_LA_2_LP_8.eps Constellation_Diagram_32_Star_QAM_LA_4_LP_8.eps Fig.~7: Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_6_ASK.eps Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_6_ASK_PSNR.eps Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_8_ASK.eps Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_8_ASK_PSNR.eps Fig.~8: Schematic_DR.eps Fig.~9: Det_Prod_BLAST_STBC_NorGoldenCode.eps Det_Sum_BLAST_STBC_NorGoldenCode.eps Fig.~10: PAPR_NorGoldenCode.eps PAPR_PerfectSTBC.eps IE_NorGoldenCode.eps IE_PerfectSTBC.eps Fig.~11: Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_2_N_2_4_8.eps Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_3_N_2_4_8.eps Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_4_N_2_4_8.eps Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_5_N_2_4_8.eps Fig.~12: Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_2_PSNR.eps Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_4_PSNR.eps Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_6_PSNR.eps Hard_FC_STSK03_M_2_T_2_TL_2_R_8_PSNR.eps Fig.~13: Hard_FC_STSK23_M_3_T_3_R_3.eps Hard_FC_STSK18_M_4_T_2_R_4.eps Hard_FC_STSK20_M_4_T_2_R_6.eps Hard_FC_STSK20_M_4_T_2_R_8.eps Fig.~14: Hard_FC_STSK24_M_4_T_2_R_4.eps Hard_FC_STSK24_M_4_T_2_R_5.eps Hard_FC_STSK24_M_4_T_2_R_6.eps Hard_FC_STSK24_M_4_T_2_R_7.eps Fig.~15: Schematic_BCC_MIMO.eps Fig.~16: EXIT_FEC_Rc_05_FC_STSK03_M_2_N_2_T_2_TL_2_R_2.eps Trajectory_BCC_Rc_0.5_gen_91_121_CL_7_FC_STSK03_M_2_N_2_T_2_R_2.eps Trajectory_BCC_Rc_0.5_gen_91_121_CL_7_FDFR01_Square_2_QAM_Rx_2_Outer_4.eps Fig.~17: BER_BCC_Rc_0.5_gen_91_121_CL_7_FC_STSK03_M_2_N_2_R_2.eps BER_BCC_Rc_0.75_gen_91_121_CL_7_FC_STSK23_M_3_N_3_R_3.eps BER_BCC_Rc_56_gen_91_121_CL_7_FC_STSK03_M_2_N_2_R_4.eps BER_BCC_Rc_56_gen_91_121_CL_7_FC_STSK03_M_2_N_2_R_4_PSNR.eps