READ ME File For 'Deep learning for the monitoring and process control of femtosecond laser machining' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0754 ReadMe Author: Yunhui Xie [0000-0002-8841-7235], University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: XIE, Y., HEATH, D. J., GRANT-JACOB, J. A., MACKAY, B. S., MCDONNELL, M. D. T., PRAEGER, M., EASON, R. W. AND MILLS, B. Deep learning for the monitoring and process control of femtosecond laser machining Journal of Physics: Photonics, 1(3), p.035002. This dataset contains: Table_1.xlsx spports data for Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. The figures are as follows: Fig. 1 the schematic of setup for real-time closed loop feedback. Fig. 2 the schematic of the structure of the convolutional neural network used. Fig. 3 the schematic of how data augmentation operators. Fig. 4 CNN's performance under different levels of data augmentation on single axis. Fig. 5 CNN's performance on beam translations and rotation. Fig. 6 Comparison between CNN's predicted pulses left and a naive gauss based on mean of pulse used. Date of data collection: 07/08/2018 ~ 16/11/2018 Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: CC BY Related projects: Mills, B., Heath, D., Grant-Jacob, J., Xie, Y. and Eason, R. (2018). Image-based monitoring of femtosecond laser machining via a neural network. Journal of Physics: Photonics, 1(1), p.015008. Date that the file was created: 07/2019