READ ME File For 'Data for "Waveguide Absorption Spectroscopy of Bovine Serum Albumin in the Mid-Infrared Fingerprint Region"' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Vinita Mittal, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Mittal, V. (Creator), Nedeljkovic, M. (Contributor), Lewis G. Carpenter (Contributor), Ali Z. Khokhar (Contributor), Harold M. H. Chong (Contributor), Goran Z. Mashanovich (Contributor), Philip N. Bartlett (Contributor) Wilkinson, J. (Contributor) TITLE: Waveguide Absorption Spectroscopy of Bovine Serum Albumin in the Mid-Infrared Fingerprint Region JOURNAL:ACS Sensors PAPER DOI: This dataset contains: Data supporting the figures in the paper: Fig. 2 [Experimental and simulated waveguide absorption spectra of water of 3.5 mm path-length] Fig. 3 [Waveguide absorbance of 10 mg/ml BSA in PBS solution with respect to time] Fig. 4a [Waveguide absorption spectra of BSA in PBS at different concentration ] Fig. 4b [Amide I peak height with respect to BSA concentration, for a waveguide path-length of 3 mm] Date of data collection: Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: VM and JSW thank the European Union (ERC) (FP7/2007-2013, 291216) for support; MN thanks the Royal Academy of Engineering for their support (RF201617/16/33); VM, AZK, HMHC, and GM acknowledge the EPSRC Platform grant (EP/N013247/1), EPSRC SPFS Programme grant (EP/L00044X/1) and High Value Photonic Manufacturing (EP/N00762X/1); PNB thanks the Royal Society for a Wolfson Research Merit Award. Date that the file was created: 30 July 2018 Readme file created: 29th May 2019 Version updated: