READ ME File For 'data - A comparison of ground vibration due to ballasted and slab tracks.xlsx' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1001 ReadMe Author: Evangelos Ntotsios, University of Southampton [ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7382-0948] This dataset supports the publication: E. Ntotsios, D.J. Thompson, M.F.M. Hussein A comparison of ground vibration due to ballasted and slab tracks Transportation Geotechnics This dataset contains: Data supporting the paper's figures. The figures are as follows: Figure 2: (a) Unevenness spectra in one-third octave band wavelength and (b) coherence function between left and right rails for ballasted track and slab track [22]. Figure 5: Characteristic curves for P-SV waves on ground Type G1: (a) Dispersion diagram with propagating P-SV waves (-); shear wave speed of upper layer (--), shear wave speed of underlying half-space (-.-), and Rayleigh wave speed of upper layer material (...). (b) ontour plot of the vertical displacement (m/N) in the frequency-wavenumber domain. (c) Phase velocity and (d) Attenuation coecient of the P-SV waves. Figure 6: Dispersion diagrams with propagating P-SV waves (-); shear wave speed of upper layer (--), shear wave speed of underlying half-space (-.-), and Rayleigh wave speed (...): Ground (a) Type G2; (b) Type G3; (c) Type G4; (d) Type G5. Figure 7: Real part of the P-SV modes at 10 Hz and for wavenumber k = 0:52 rad/m (120 m/s phase speed) for ground Type G1, ground Type G3 and ground Type G5. (a) Vertical displacement; (b) lateral displacement. Figure 8: Transfer receptances for the five di erent ground types. (a) 8 m from the source; (b) 16 m from the source. Figure 10: Rail receptance magnitude for ground Type G1 due to stationary (v = 0) and moving (v = 33:3 and v = 83:3 m/s) excitation: (a) ballasted track Case B1; (b) slab track Case S1. Figure 11: Cumulative ground response (receiver) spectrum in the far field for ground Type G1. Response due to moving harmonic and symmetrically distributed loadings of unit force amplitude on the two rails of the ballasted track Case B1 and slab track Case S1 at 8 m from the track and 16 m from the track: (a) for 33.3 m/s; (b) for 83.3 m/s. Figure 12: Cumulative ground response (receiver) spectrum in the far field for ground Type G1. Response due to anti-phase moving harmonic unit force amplitude on each rail of the ballasted track Case B1 and slab track Case S1 at 8 m from the track and at 16 m from the track: (a) for 33.3 m/s; (b) for 83.3 m/s. Figure 13: Total ground response level in one-third octave bands of ballasted track Case B1 and slab track Case S1 at 8 m and 16 m from the track for train speed: (a) 33.3 m/s and (b) 83.3 m/s. Figure 14: Quasi-static ground response level in one-third octave bands of ballasted track Case B1 and slab track Case S1 at 8 m and 16 m from the track for train speed: (a) 33.3 m/s and (b) 83.3 m/s. Figure 15: One-third octave level di erences of slab track Case S1 minus ballasted track Case B1 on ground Type G1, ground Type G2 and ground Type G3 at 8 m from the track centreline for train speed: (a) 33.3 m/s and (b) 83.3 m/s. Figure 16: Magnitude of wheelset point receptance and rail point receptance for ballasted track B1, ballasted track B4, slab track S1 and slab track S5 due to loading moving at v = 33:3 m/s for (a) ground Type G1, (b) ground Type G2 and (c) ground Type G3. Figure 17: Magnitude of (a) rail and (b) wheel displacements for unit rail unevenness. Ballasted track B1, ballasted track B4, slab track S1 and slab track S5 due to loading moving at v = 33:3 m/s for ground Type G1. Figure 18: One-third octave level di erences, relative to ballasted track B1, of slab track S1, ballasted track B2 and slab track S3; all for ground Type G1 at 8 m from the track centreline for train speed: (a) 33.3 m/s and (b) 83.3 m/s. Figure 19: One-third octave level di erence of (a) ballast track B3 relative to ballasted track B1 and (b) slab track S2 and slab track S4 relative to slab track S1. Results for ground Type G1 at 8 m from the track centreline and train speed 33.3 m/s and 83.3 m/s. Figure 20: One-third octave level di erence of slab track S5 relative to ballasted track B1 and ballasted track B4 at 8 m from the track centreline on ground Type G1 for train speed: (a) 33.3 m/s and (b) 83.3 m/s. Figure 21: One-third octave spectra level di erence of slab track Case S1 relative to ballasted track Case B1 due to di erent rail unevenness levels (Figure 2) for train speed 33.3 m/s and 83.3 m/s and distance from the track 8 m and 16 m. Figure 22: Maximum rail displacement with load speed for ballasted track B1, slab track S1, ballasted track B2 and slab track S4 on: (a) ground Type G1; (b) ground Type G2; (c) ground Type G3; (d) ground Type G4. Figure 23: Maximum rail displacement with load speed for ground Type G1, ground Type G5 and ground Type G6: (a) ballasted track B1; (b) slab track S1; (c) slab track S5. Date of data collection: 01/01/2019. Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: CC BY Related projects: Track to the Future - The science and analytical tools to design long life, low noise railway track systems”, Sponsor: EPSRC: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, under the scheme: EP/M025276/1. Date that the file was created: July, 2019.