This dataset supports the article entitled "Collaborative Adaptation for Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Mobile SoCs" accepted for publication in IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, August 2019. Dataset DOI: ============================================================================ Person responsible for collecting the data: Amit Kumar Singh, ============================================================================ Date of data collection: 01/08/2017 to 07/04/2019 ============================================================================ Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC-BY/Public - No restriction ============================================================================ Links to publications that cite or use the data: xxxxx ============================================================================ Data Supporting Figures: Fig. 7 - Energy consumption by various approaches for different run-time scenarios: (a) single, (b) two and (c) three concurrent applications, without runtime application addition. Fig. 8 - Energy consumption at varying performance constraints. Fig. 9 - Energy consumption by various approaches for different run-time scenarios: (a) single, (b) two, and (c) three initial concurrent applications, and random number (X) of applications added at different moments of time in each scenario. Fig. 10 - Performance improvement in different run-time scenarios. Fig. 11 - Adaptation overhead for different run-time scenarios.