Dataset containing pertinent data of "Modal analysis of a laminar-flow airfoil under buffet conditions at Re=500,000.", M. Zauner and N. D. Sandham, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2019 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data is stored as .plt files, which can be opened by tecplot or paraview. Corresponding .lay files can be used to reproduce figures using tecplot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENT: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Figure 2(a)&Figure 10: Lift-coefficient as a function of time for the 4deg and 3deg case -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 2(b): Wall-pressure Coefficient (Cp) as a function of x for 4deg case: AVRG -> total average LLP -> phase averaged during low-lift phases HLP -> phase averaged during high-lift phases -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 2(c): Root-mean-square (rms) of suction-side wall density as a function of x for 4deg: Rho_rms_unfiltered -> rms unfiltered Rho_rms_St<0.2 -> rms band-pass filtered for Strouhal numbers < 0.2 Rho_rms_St>0.2 -> rms band-pass filtered for Strouhal numbers > 0.2 Rho_avrg -> total average of wall density -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 3(b): Following quantities are monitored along a gridiline with eta=const.=200 (eta is the curvilinear coordinate in the radial direction) for 4deg: x -> chord position time -> simulation time r -> density p -> pressure vel -> velocity Ma -> Mach number dpdx -> streamwise pressure gradient *_avrg -> time averaged quantities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 13(a): 2D Snapshot for 3deg containing: x,y,z -> Cartesian coordinates RHO -> density RHO-U -> momentum in x RHO-V -> momentum in y RHO-W -> momentum in z E -> total energy Geometry of eta=200 and eta=400 gridlines -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 13(b): Following quantities are monitored along a gridiline with eta=const.=200 (eta is the curvilinear coordinate in the radial direction) for 3deg: x -> chord position time -> simulation time r -> density p -> pressure vel -> velocity Ma -> Mach number dpdx -> streamwise pressure gradient *_avrg -> time averaged quantities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 13(c): Following quantities are monitored along the surface with eta=const.=1 (eta is the curvilinear coordinate in the radial direction) for 3deg: x -> chord position time -> simulation time r -> density dpdx -> streamwise pressure gradient -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 13(d): Following quantities are monitored along a gridiline with eta=const.=400 (eta is the curvilinear coordinate in the radial direction) for 3deg: x -> chord position time -> simulation time r -> density p -> pressure vel -> velocity Ma -> Mach number dpdx -> streamwise pressure gradient *_avrg -> time averaged quantities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure 14: Fourier band-filtered space/time diagrams of the surface density for frequency ranges between (a) St<0.2 and (b) 0.2