READ ME File For 'Dataset title' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0956 ReadMe Author: Francesco De Lucia, University of Southampton [OPTIONAL add ORCID ID] This dataset supports the publication: Single is better than double: theoretical and experimental comparison between two thermal poling configurations of optical fibers AUTHORS: FRANCESCO DE LUCIA, REX BANNERMAN, NICOLAS ENGLEBERT, MARTIN MIGUEL ANGEL NUNEZ VELAZQUEZ, FRANCOIS LEO, JAMES GATES, SIMON-PIERRE GORZA, JAYANTA SAHU, AND PIER JOHN ANTHONY SAZIO TITLE: dataset for Single is better than double: theoretical and experimental comparison between two thermal poling configurations of optical fibers JOURNAL: Optics Express PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: 10.1364/OE.27.027761 This dataset contains: the .txt and .xlsx files with the data related to the figures of this paper showing the results of numerical simulations realized in Comsol Multhiphysics. The figures are as follows: Fig. 1 Computed concentration of Sodium and Hydronium impurities in a twin-hole fused silica fiber of symmetric geometry poled in double-anode configuration after 2 hours of poling at 265 degrees centigrades and at 6kV. Fig. 2 Computed electric potential evolution during the thermal poling process for a twin-hole fused silica fiber of symmetric geometry poled in double-anode configuration at 265 degrees centigrades and at 6kV. Fig. 3 Temporal evolution of the effective second order susceptibility calculated for a twin-hole fiber characterized by a symmetric geometry poled in double-anode configuration at 265 degrees centigrades and at 6kV. Line graph of the effective second order susceptibility calculated for a symmetric fiber poled in double-anode configuration after 7200 s of poling, along the line bisecting the two cladding holes and crossing the fiber’s center. Fig. 4 Concentration of Sodium and Hydronium impurities in a silica optical fiber with symmetric geometry of the cladding holes and poled in single-anode configuration after 2 hours of poling at 265 degrees centigrades and at 6kV. Fig. 5 Computed electric potential evolution during the thermal poling process for a twin-hole fused silica fiber of symmetric geometry poled in single-anode configuration at 265 degrees centigrades and at 6kV. Fig. 6 Temporal evolution of the effective second order susceptibility calculated for a twin-hole fiber characterized by a symmetric geometry poled in single-anode configuration at 265 degrees centigrades and at 6kV. Line graph of the effective second order susceptibility calculated for a symmetric fiber poled in single-anode configuration after 7200 s of poling, along the line bisecting the two cladding holes and crossing the fiber’s center. Fig. 7 Computed concentration of Sodium and Hydronium impurities in a twin-hole fused silica fiber of asymmetric geometry poled in double-anode and in single-anode configuration after 2 hours of poling at 265 degrees centigrades and at 6kV. Fig. 8 Temporal evolution of the effective second order susceptibility calculated for a twin-hole fiber characterized by an asymmetric geometry of the cladding channels and poled in two different electrodes configurations, namely double-anode and single-anode, at 265 degrees centigrades and at 6kV. Fig. 9 Line graphs of the effective second order susceptibility calculated for an asymmetric fiber poled in double-anode and single-anode configurations after 7200 s of poling, along the line bisecting the two cladding holes and crossing the fiber’s center, at 265 degrees centigrades and at 6kV and at 15 kV. Fig. 10 Electric field norm profiles, numerically simulated in Comsol Multiphysics, of the fundamental modes of the pump (1550 nm) and second harmonic (775 nm) guided in a fiber characterised by asymmetric geometry of the cladding holes. Fig. 14 Tuning curves obtained for the two different samples pumped with a narrowband CW laser in the conditions of pump polarization which maximize the SH signal for the SHG process of type-I (X-X->X). Date of data collection: 01/01/2018-31/12/2018 Information about geographic location of data collection: Southampton, United Kingdom and Bruxelles, Belgium Licence: CC BY Related projects: Engineering and Physical SciencesResearch Council (EP/I035307/1, EP/K034480/1, EP/M013243/1, EP/M024539/1) ADD IN Date that the file was created: october, 2019