READ ME File For 'GST on side-polished fibre dataset' Dataset DOI:10.5258/SOTON/D1121 This dataset supports the publication: T. Martins, B. Gholipour, D. Piccinotti, K. F. MacDonald, A. Peacock, O. Frazao, & N. I. Zheludev (2019). Fiber-integrated phase-change reconfigurable optical attenuator in APL Photonics Contents +++++++++ This research data description should be read and understood in the context of the corresponding manuscript. The figure numbers correspond to the figure numbers of the manuscript and the data corresponds to the data as shown in the figures. The figure descriptions as given in the corresponding manuscript are given below. The file contains the data for figures 1c, 2a&b, and 3a [Other figure panels contain either images or numerical modelling results (method described in the manuscript).] Figure 1: (a) Dimensional schematics of the phase change reconfigurable optical attenuator. (a) GST-coated side-polished optical fiber (b) Cross-sectional scanning electron microscope images of such a device, where d = 2.4 μm, t = 500 nm. [Note that in practice, GST is deposited over a length of fiber greater than just the polished section, but the coating can only interact with the guided mode over the polished facet length, l.] (c) Spectral dispersion of refractive index n [solid lines] and extinction coefficient κ [dashed] for GST in its amorphous [blue lines] and crystalline [red] phase states. Figure 2: (a) Experimentally measured transmission spectra for bare, i.e. uncoated, side-polished fibers [core-to-polished-facet distances d as labelled; polished facet length l = 5 mm] and a matching length of unpolished fiber. (b) Measured spectral dispersion of change in transmission resulting from the presence of a t = 500 nm amorphous GST layer on the polished facets [each relative to the same fiber’s uncoated transmission level]. (c) Numerically simulated propagation loss spectra for side-polished fibers with a selection of core-to-polished-facet distances d [as labelled] coated with 500 nm of amorphous GST. Also shown for reference is the spectrum for an uncoated fiber with d = 0.5 μm. (d) Numerically simulated cross-sectional distribution of electric field in the xy plane of a fiber with a core-to-polished-facet distance of 0.5 μm and 500 nm GST coating thickness, at the 1348 nm resonance wavelength. (e) Detail of the core / remnant cladding / GST coating region for the same, alongside the field map for an uncoated fiber [right and left halves respectively]; (f) Corresponding map for a GST-coated fiber with d = 2.4 μm. Figure 3: (a) Experimentally measured and (b) numerically simulated spectral dispersion of propagation loss for a side-polished fiber [d = 0.5 μm] coated with GST [t = 500 nm] in its amorphous [blue lines] and crystalline [red] states, and the corresponding dispersion of propagation loss contrast, defined as 10log(Tamorphous/Tcrystalline) [dashed grey lines]. (c, d) Simulated cross-sectional distributions of normalized electric field in the xy plane, including expanded detail of the GST layer, for the (c) amorphous and (d) crystalline phase states of GST, at transmission resonance wavelengths of 1348 and 1708 nm respectively. Figure S1: Spectral position of the transmission resonance for side-polished fibers [d = 0.5 µm] coated with amorphous GST as a function of GST thickness. Colored stripes denote optical telecommunications bands, as labelled. Geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: The Physics & Technology of Photonic Metadevices & Metasystems Hayden, B., Richardson, D., Zheludev, N., Plum, E. & Muskens, O. EPSRC EP/M009122/1 Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: October 2019