ReadMe file for "Dataset for sounds simulated for other planets and moons". These are the sound files for data that accompany (a) Leighton, T.G. and Petculescu, A. (2009) The sound of music and voices in space Part 1: Theory, Acoustics Today, 5(3), 17-26 and (b) Leighton, T.G. and Petculescu, A. (2009) The sound of music and voices in space Part 2: Modeling and simulation, Acoustics Today, 5(3), 27-29 The link the publisher made for those has expired. This is a replacement for that page to allows readers to again access the files. An explanation of the context of these files is given in (b). The tables at the end of (b) list files that the original publisher was sent. These are corresponding files that include the same. --oOo-- I also include simulated sounds for the splashdown that would have occurred had the Huygens probe landed in a lake of liquid ethane/methane, asdescribed in Leighton, T.G. (2004) From seas to surgeries, from babbling brooks to baby scans: The acoustics of gas bubbles in liquids, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 18(25), 3267-3314 (Invited Review Article) (doi: 10.1142/S0217979204026494)