READ ME File For Dataset for publication "Predictive Prosthetic Socket Design. Part 1: population-based evaluation of transtibial prosthetic sockets by FEA-driven Surrogate Modelling" Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0484 ReadMe Author: J. W. Steer This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS TITLE JOURNAL PAPER DOI IF KNOWN This contains instructions for opening the .pkl file containing the data behind the figures. The .pkl file is strutured using dictionaries Opening the data file --------------------- The data file is encoded using the pickle package in python 3.6. The data is all stored within numpy arrays. The authors recommend downloading the anaconda distribution of python. """ import pickle import numpy with open('BMMMB_2019_data.pkl', 'rb') as f: Data = pickle.load(f) """ Figure 4 -------- Sensitivity analysis of the surrogate models relative to 75 observed data points from the FE simulations regions = ['Residuum tip pressure, kPa', 'Fibula head pressure, kPa', 'Tibial tuberosity pressure, kPa', 'Posterior calf shear, kPa', 'Distal tibia strain, %'] Within each region exists the data for each row in the figure. 'observed' refers to the 75 numbers from the FEA simulations, the numbers correspond to the number of training data points used to create the surrogate model data = ['input', 'observed', 25, 50, 100, 150, 200] Example Data['Figure 4']['Residuum tip pressure, kPa']['observed'] Returns a numpy array of the observed data Figure 5 -------- Pressure, shear and soft tissue strain in key regions when varying residuum length and profile. First set of dictionary keys correspond to the region of the residuum regions = ['Residuum tip', 'Fibula head', 'Tibial tuberosity', 'Posterior calf', 'Distal tibia'] The data returned is a 50 x 50 x 3 array, corresponding to the X, Y and Z values in each plot 'input' returns a list of the variables used to sample the surrogate model, these are either fixed numbers or variables For figure 5, the input array [0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 'x', 'y', 0.5, 0.5] Example Data['Figure 5']['Residuum tip'][:, :, 2] Returns a 50 x 50 array of predicted values at the residuum tip within the plot Figure 6 -------- Soft tissue strain for a 1% press fit socket when varying residuum length, residuum profile, soft tissue strain and tibia length. First set of dictionary keys correspond to the tissue modulus modulus = [35, 40, 45, 50, 55] Second set of dictionary keys correspond to the tibia length tibia = [-15, 0, 15, 30] The data returned is a 50 x 50 x 3 array, corresponding to the X, Y and Z values in each plot For figure 6, the input array is [0.375, 0.375, 0.375, 'x', 'y', 'mod', 'tib'] Example Data['Figure 6'][35][0][:, :, 2] Returns a 50 x 50 array of the predicted values of soft tissue strain for a 35kPa soft tissue with 0% tibia length Figure 7 -------- Pressure, shear and soft tissue strain in key regions when varying socket design for the 4 individuals First set of dictionary keys correspond to the individual Individual = [1, 2, 3, 4] Second set of dictionary keys correspond to the region regions = ['input', 'Residuum tip', 'Fibula head', 'Tibial tuberosity', 'Posterior calf', 'Distal tibia'] The data returned is a 50 x 50 x 3 array, corresponding to the X, Y and Z values in each plot For figure 7, the input array is ['x', ('x'+'y')/2, 'y', 'len', 'pro', 'mod', 'tib'] Example Data['Figure 7'][1]['Residuum tip'][:, :, 2] Returns a 50 x 50 array of the pressure at the residuum tip as the socket design varies Figure 8 -------- Pressure distribution Individual = [1, 2, 3, 4] Socket = ['input', -1, 1, 3, 5] Returns a 1000 x 4 array corresponding to the node locations (first 3 columns) and corresponding pressure (final column) Example Data['Figure 8'][1][3][:, 1] Returns a 1000 x 1 array of the pressure at each node for individual 1 with a 3% socket design Information about geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Licence: CC BY Related projects: ADD IN Date that the file was created: 15 March 2019