Julian Töpfer - Hybrid Photonics Group University of Southampton Building 46 Physics and Astronomy University Rd Southampton SO17 1BJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Publication Title: Time-delay Polaritonics Journal: Communications Physics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Figure1_a.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 1(a). Description: Real-space photoluminescence of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~114µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 512x512 Scaling: 0.26µm per pixel Figure2_a.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 2 (a). Description: Real-space photoluminescence of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~12.7µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 1024x1344 Scaling: 0.1725µm per pixel Figure2_b.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 2 (b). Description: Real-space photoluminescence of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~37.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 1024x1344 Scaling: 0.1725µm per pixel Figure2_c.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 2 (c). Description: Momentum-space photoluminescence of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~12.7µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 1024x1344 Scaling: 0.007723µm^(-1) per pixel Figure2_d.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 2 (d). Description: Momentum-space photoluminescence of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~37.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 1024x1344 Scaling: 0.007723µm^(-1) per pixel Figure2_e.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 2 (e). Description: Energy-resolved momentum-space (k_y=0) photoluminescence of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~12.7µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 1024x1344 Scaling: x-scale 0.007723µm^(-1) per pixel, y-scale (energy) given in "Figure2_e_yscale.txt" Figure2_e_yscale.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 2 (e). Description: Energy scale in meV (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch) for the y-axis of "Figure2_e.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 1344 Figure2_f.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 2 (f). Description: Energy-resolved momentum-space (k_y=0) photoluminescence of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~37.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 1024x1344 Scaling: x-scale 0.007723µm^(-1) per pixel, y-scale (energy) given in "Figure2_f_yscale.txt" Figure2_f_yscale.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 2 (f). Description: Energy scale in meV (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch) for the y-axis of "Figure2_f.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 1344 Figure2_g.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 2 (g). Description: Spectra of polariton dyads with separation distances d~12.6µm and d~37.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 116x3 First column: Energy scale in meV (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch). Second column: Spectrum for the polariton dyad with d~12.6µm. Third column: Spectrum for the polariton dyad with d~37.3µm. Figure3.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 3 (a) and (b). Description: Spectral weight (Fig.3a) and spectral position (Fig.3b) of the two brightest in-phase and anti-phase states of a polariton dyad versus pump spot separation distance. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 422x5 First column: Pump spot separation distance in µm. Second column: Energy in meV of the brightest in-phase state of the polariton dyad (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch). Third column: Energy in meV of the brightest anti-phase state of the polariton dyad (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch). Fourth column: Spectral weight of the brightest in-phase state of the polariton dyad. Fifth column: Spectral weight of the brightest anti-phase state of the polariton dyad. Figure4_a_1.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space photoluminescence of condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 1) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_a_2.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space photoluminescence of condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 2) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_a_3.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space interference of the photoluminescence of condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 1) and condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 2) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm with time-delay t~0ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_a_4.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space interference of the photoluminescence of condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 1) and condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 2) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm with time-delay t~7.5ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_a_5.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space interference of the photoluminescence of condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 1) and condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 2) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm with time-delay t~15.5ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_a_6.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space photoluminescence of condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 1) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_a_7.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space photoluminescence of condensate 2 (Psi_2, interferometer arm 2) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_a_8.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space interference of the photoluminescence of condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 1) and condensate 2 (Psi_2, interferometer arm 2) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm with time-delay t~0ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_a_9.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space interference of the photoluminescence of condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 1) and condensate 2 (Psi_2, interferometer arm 2) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm with time-delay t~7.5ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_a_10.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (a). Description: Real-space interference of the photoluminescence of condensate 1 (Psi_1, interferometer arm 1) and condensate 2 (Psi_2, interferometer arm 2) of a polariton dyad with separation distance d~10.3µm with time-delay t~15.5ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 39x39 Scaling: 0.091526µm per pixel Figure4_b.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (b). Description: Energy-resolved real-space (y=0) photoluminescence of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~10.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 1024x1344 Scaling: x-scale 0.091526µm per pixel, y-scale (energy) given in "Figure4_b_yscale.txt" Figure4_b_yscale.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (b). Description: Absolut energy scale in eV for the y-axis of "Figure4_b.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 1344 Figure4_c.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (c). Description: Visibility of interference of same condensates and opposite condensates for a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~10.3µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 177x3 First column: Time delay in ps between the two interfering signals. Second column: Visibility for the interference of the same condensates. Third column: Visibility for the interference of opposite condensates. Figure4_d_1.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (d). Description: Visibility of (self-)interference for a single polariton condensate. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 19x3 First column: Time delay in ps between the two interfering signals. Second column: Visibility. Third column: Error-bar for the visibility. Figure4_d_2.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (d). Description: Visibility of (self-)interference for a polariton condensate within a dyad of size d~20.0µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 31x3 First column: Time delay in ps between the two interfering signals. Second column: Visibility. Third column: Error-bar for the visibility. Figure4_d_3.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 4 (d). Description: Visibility of (self-)interference for a polariton condensate within a dyad of size d~20.5µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 55x3 First column: Time delay in ps between the two interfering signals. Second column: Visibility. Third column: Error-bar for the visibility. Figure5_a_1.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 5 (a). Description: Imaginary parts of the eigenenergies E_n in meV for the even parity solutions in the complex-valued double delta potential. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 3001x21 Rows: 3001 different separation distances according to "Figure5_xscale.txt" Columns: 21 different solutions given by different branches of the Lambert W function Figure5_a_2.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 5 (a). Description: Imaginary parts of the eigenenergies E_n in meV for the odd parity solutions in the complex-valued double delta potential. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 3001x21 Rows: 3001 different separation distances according to "Figure5_xscale.txt" Columns: 21 different solutions given by different branches of the Lambert W function Figure5_b_1.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 5 (b). Description: Real parts of the eigenenergies E_n in meV for the even parity solutions in the complex-valued double delta potential. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 3001x21 Rows: 3001 different separation distances according to "Figure5_xscale.txt" Columns: 21 different solutions given by different branches of the Lambert W function Figure5_b_2.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 5 (b). Description: Real parts of the eigenenergies E_n in meV for the odd parity solutions in the complex-valued double delta potential. Load details: Tab-delimited, size: 3001x21 Rows: 3001 different separation distances according to "Figure5_xscale.txt" Columns: 21 different solutions given by different branches of the Lambert W function Figure5_xscale.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 5 (a) and (b). Description: Real space scale in µm for "Figure5_a_1.txt", "Figure5_a_2.txt", "Figure5_b_1.txt" and "Figure5_b_2.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 3001 Figure6_a.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 6 (a). Description: Experimental spectra of a polariton dyad versus pump spot separation distance. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 318x1344 Scaling: x-scale (distance) given in "Figure6_a_xscale.txt", y-scale (energy) given in "Figure6_a_yscale.txt" Figure6_a_xscale.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 6 (a). Description: Distance scale in µm for the x-axis of "Figure6_a.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 318 Figure6_a_yscale.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 6 (a). Description: Energy scale in meV (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch) for the y-axis of "Figure6_a.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 1344 Figure6_a_numerics.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 6 (a). Description: Numerically calculated spectra of a polariton dyad versus pump spot separation distance. Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 899x2 First column: Pump spot separation distance in µm. Second column: Spectral position in meV (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch) of the two brightest spectral peaks. Figure6_b.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 6 (b). Description: Numerically calculated spectra of a polariton for different pump spot separation distances. Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 508x6 First column: Energy in meV (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch). Second column: Spectral power for a dyad of size d~20.0µm. Third column: Spectral power for a dyad of size d~20.2µm. Fourth column: Spectral power for a dyad of size d~20.4µm. Fifth column: Spectral power for a dyad of size d~20.5µm. Sixth column: Spectral power for a dyad of size d~21.0µm. Figure6_c.txt: Content: Data shown in Figure 6 (c). Description: Numerically calculated phase space diagrams (population imbalance versus phase difference) of a polariton dyad for different pump spot separation distances. Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 301x10 First column: Population imbalance for a dyad of size d~20.0µm. Second column: Phase difference for a dyad of size d~20.0µm. Third column: Population imbalance for a dyad of size d~20.2µm. Fourth column: Phase difference for a dyad of size d~20.2µm. Fifth column: Population imbalance for a dyad of size d~20.4µm. Sixth column: Phase difference for a dyad of size d~20.4µm. Seventh column: Population imbalance for a dyad of size d~20.5µm. Eighth column: Phase difference for a dyad of size d~20.5µm. Ninth column: Population imbalance for a dyad of size d~21.0µm. Tenth column: Phase difference for a dyad of size d~21.0µm. SupplementaryFigure1_panel_a_data1.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (a). Description: Vertical axis values for spectral weight of even parity states (normalized). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 342 Scaling: Scaling: x-scale (distance) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_a_d.dat" SupplementaryFigure1_panel_a_data2.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (a). Description: Vertical axis values for spectral weight of odd parity states (normalized). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 342 Scaling: Scaling: x-scale (distance) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_a_d.dat" SupplementaryFigure1_panel_a_d.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (a). Description: Horizontal axis distance values (µm). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 342 SupplementaryFigure1_panel_b_data1.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (b). Description: Vertical axis energies of even parity states (meV, with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 342 Scaling: Scaling: x-scale (distance) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_b_d.dat" SupplementaryFigure1_panel_b_data2.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (b). Description: Vertical axis energies of odd parity states (meV, with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 342 Scaling: Scaling: x-scale (distance) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_b_d.dat" SupplementaryFigure1_panel_b_d.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (b). Description: Horizontal axis distance values (µm). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 342 SupplementaryFigure1_panel_c_cdata.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (c). Description: Real-space condensate density of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~12µm at t=0ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 301x301 Scaling: Scaling: x-scale (real space) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_x.dat", y-scale (real space) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_y.dat" SupplementaryFigure1_panel_d_cdata.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (d). Description: Real-space condensate density of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~12µm at t=1.6ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 301x301 Scaling: Scaling: x-scale (real space) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_x.dat", y-scale (real space) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_y.dat" SupplementaryFigure1_panel_e_cdata.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (e). Description: Real-space condensate density of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~12µm at t=3.2ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 301x301 Scaling: Scaling: x-scale (real space) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_x.dat", y-scale (real space) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_y.dat" SupplementaryFigure1_panel_f_cdata.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (f). Description: Real-space condensate density of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~12µm at t=4.8ps. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 301x301 Scaling: Scaling: x-scale (real space) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_x.dat", y-scale (real space) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_y.dat" SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_x.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (c,d,e,f). Description: Horizontal axis values (x-coordinate) for data in panels c-f (µm). Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 301 SupplementaryFigure1_panel_cdef_y.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (c,d,e,f). Description: Vertical axis values (y-coordinate) for data in panels c-f (µm). Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 301 SupplementaryFigure1_panel_g_cdata.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (g). Description: Energy-resolved momentum-space (k_y=0) condensate density of a polariton dyad with pump spot separation distance d~12.0µm. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 500x301 Scaling: x-scale given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_g_k.dat", y-scale (energy) given in "SupplementaryFigure1_panel_g_E.dat" SupplementaryFigure1_panel_g_k.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (g). Description: Horizontal axis values (x-coordinate) for data in panel g (µm^(-1)). Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 301 SupplementaryFigure1_panel_g_E.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (g). Description: Vertical axis values (y-coordinate) for data in panel g (meV). Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 500 SupplementaryFigure1_panel_h_rho.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (h). Description: Vertical axis values for condensate population imbalance (normalized) Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 500 SupplementaryFigure1_panel_h_phi.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 1 (h). Description: Horizontal axis values for condensate phase difference (radians) Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 500 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_a.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (a). Description: Experimental spectra of a polariton dyad versus pump spot separation distance. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 318x1344 Scaling: x-scale (distance) given in "SupplementaryFigure2_panel_a_x.txt", y-scale (energy) given in "SupplementaryFigure2_panel_a_y.txt" SupplementaryFigure2_panel_a_x.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (a). Description: Distance scale in µm for the x-axis of "Figure6_a.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 318 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_a_y.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (a). Description: Energy scale in meV (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch) for the y-axis of "Figure6_a.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 1344 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_b_cdata.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (b). Description: Colordata for wavefunction energy (normalized). Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 50x100000 Scaling: x-scale (distance) given in "SupplementaryFigure2_panel_b_d.dat", y-scale (energy) given in "SupplementaryFigure2_panel_b_E.dat" SupplementaryFigure2_panel_b_d.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (b). Description: Horizontal axis distance values for colordata (µm). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 50 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_b_E.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (b). Description: Vertical axis energy values for colordata (meV). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 100000 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_c_cdata1.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (c). Description: Colordata for wavefunction energy (normalized). Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 2000x100 Scaling: x-scale (distance) given in "SupplementaryFigure2_panel_c_d1.dat", y-scale (energy) given in "SupplementaryFigure2_panel_c_E1.dat" SupplementaryFigure2_panel_c_d1.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (c). Description: Horizontal axis distance values for colordata (µm). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 100 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_c_E1.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (c). Description: Vertical axis energy values for colordata (meV). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 2000 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_c_data2.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (c). Description: Vertical axis energy data for blue circles (meV). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 6x40 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_c_d2.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (c). Description: Horizontal axis distance values for blue circles (µm). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 40 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_c_data3.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (c). Description: Vertical axis energy data for red squares (meV). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 6x40 SupplementaryFigure2_panel_c_d3.dat: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 2 (c). Description: Horizontal axis distance values for red squares (µm). Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 40 SupplementaryFigure3_a.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 3 (a). Description: Radial profile in momentum space of a single polariton condensate. Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 261x2 First column: Momentum space scale in µm^(-1). Second column: Integrated counts. SupplementaryFigure3_b.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 3 (b). Description: Radial profile in real space of a single polariton condensate. Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 351x2 First column: Real space scale in µm. Second column: Integrated counts. SupplementaryFigure4.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 4. Description: Experimental spectra of a polariton dyad versus pump spot separation distance. Load details: Tab-delimited, image size: 318x1344 Scaling: x-scale (distance) given in "SupplementaryFigure4_xscale.txt", y-scale (energy) given in "SupplementaryFigure4_yscale.txt" SupplementaryFigure4_xscale.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 4. Description: Distance scale in µm for the x-axis of "SupplementaryFigure4.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 318 SupplementaryFigure4_yscale.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 4. Description: Energy scale in meV (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch) for the y-axis of "SupplementaryFigure4.txt" Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 1344 SupplementaryFigure4_numerics.txt: Content: Data shown in Supplementary Figure 4. Description: Numerically calculated spectra of a polariton dyad versus pump spot separation distance. Load details: Tab-delimited, array size: 431x2 First column: Pump spot separation distance in µm. Second column: Spectral position in meV (with respect to the ground state of the lower polariton branch) of the brightest spectral peak.