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Scaling law analysis of electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis for isomotive dielectrophoresis microfluidic devices

Scaling law analysis of electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis for isomotive dielectrophoresis microfluidic devices
Scaling law analysis of electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis for isomotive dielectrophoresis microfluidic devices
Isomotive dielectrophoresis (isoDEP) is a unique DEP geometrical configuration where the gradient of the field-squared (∇E2 rms) is constant. IsoDEP analyzes polarizable particles based on their magnitude and direction of translation. Particle translation is a function of the polarizability of both the particles and suspending medium, the particles’ size and shape, and the frequency of the electric field.However, other electrokinetics act on the particles simultaneously, including electrothermal hydrodynamics. Hence, to maximize the DEP force relative to over electrokinetic forces, design parameters such as microchannel
geometry, fabrication materials, and applied electric field must be properly tuned. In this work, scaling law analyses were developed to derive design rules, relative to particle diameter, to reduce unwanted electrothermal hydrodynamics relative to DEP-induced particle translation. For a particle suspended in 10 mS/m media, if the channel width and height are below ten particle diameters, the electrothermal-driven flow is reduced by ∼500 times compared to a channel that is 250 particles diameters in width and height. Replacing glass
with silicon as the device’s underlying substrate for an insulative-based isoDEP reduces the electrothermal induced flow approximately 20 times less.
Rashed, Mohamed
Williams, Stuart J.
Green, Nicolas
Rashed, Mohamed
Williams, Stuart J.
Green, Nicolas

Rashed, Mohamed, Williams, Stuart J. and Green, Nicolas (2019) Scaling law analysis of electrohydrodynamics and dielectrophoresis for isomotive dielectrophoresis microfluidic devices. Electrophoresis, 1-8, [201900311]. (doi:10.1002/elps.201900311).

Record type: Article


Isomotive dielectrophoresis (isoDEP) is a unique DEP geometrical configuration where the gradient of the field-squared (∇E2 rms) is constant. IsoDEP analyzes polarizable particles based on their magnitude and direction of translation. Particle translation is a function of the polarizability of both the particles and suspending medium, the particles’ size and shape, and the frequency of the electric field.However, other electrokinetics act on the particles simultaneously, including electrothermal hydrodynamics. Hence, to maximize the DEP force relative to over electrokinetic forces, design parameters such as microchannel
geometry, fabrication materials, and applied electric field must be properly tuned. In this work, scaling law analyses were developed to derive design rules, relative to particle diameter, to reduce unwanted electrothermal hydrodynamics relative to DEP-induced particle translation. For a particle suspended in 10 mS/m media, if the channel width and height are below ten particle diameters, the electrothermal-driven flow is reduced by ∼500 times compared to a channel that is 250 particles diameters in width and height. Replacing glass
with silicon as the device’s underlying substrate for an insulative-based isoDEP reduces the electrothermal induced flow approximately 20 times less.

elps.201900311.R1_Proof_hi - Accepted Manuscript
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Accepted/In Press date: 24 October 2019
e-pub ahead of print date: 2 November 2019


Local EPrints ID: 436252
ISSN: 1522-2683
PURE UUID: 8f15e930-c036-443b-b1c7-08361ce1bc36
ORCID for Nicolas Green: ORCID iD

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Date deposited: 04 Dec 2019 17:30
Last modified: 17 Mar 2024 05:02

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Author: Mohamed Rashed
Author: Stuart J. Williams
Author: Nicolas Green ORCID iD

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