READ ME File For Maze Experiment Dataset Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Dr Mathias Deleau, University of Southampton AUTHORS: Deleau M.J.C., Kemp P. S., Leighton T. G., White, P.R., Peirson G. TITLE: The response of anguilliform fish to underwater sound under an experimental setting JOURNAL: River Research and Application PAPER DOI: This dataset contains three different files which are described below. Dataset_Maze_Passage: Four tabs in this file. The first one is for the silver stage European eel, the second one for the yellow stage European eel, the third one is for the River lamprey and the final tab is a summary of the data analysis/statistical output. In the tabs 1 to 3 (included) the numerical values correspond to the number of fish/individuals (N). In the final tab these values have been transformed into proportions/percentages and then analyzed through a Chi-square statistical test. Dataset_Maze_Rejection: This file contains four different tabs with analysis of the number of fishes performing a rejection behavior compared at four different levels, between Configurations, Chambers, Ensonified corridors, and none of the previous. The respective graphical representations are also provided within the file. Each tab contains a table with the numbers of fish that displayed a rejection behavior (first line of the table) and the one that did not (second line) then followed by the statistical test and results. Dataset_Maze_Model: This file contains all the data that were input in the Mixed Effect Model for the three tested type of fish. In the present paper only certain parameters were used to build the model. The main data/variable is the TTimeR the Total Time to pass a corridor (in seconds). The other columns correspond to the factors (Fixed and Random). ID - Individual ID provided by the PIT Tag: Random Factor Corridor - name of the corridor in which the fish was located when the data was collected. The maze had 4 corridors: Fixed Factor Config - Configuration of the speakers Ð 2 levels: Fixed Factor Chamber - Chamber of the maze were the fish was located when the data was recorded: 2 levels: Fixed Factor Batch - fish batch Ð 2 levels: Fixed Factor Sound - describes if the sound was ON or OFF in the corridor where the fish was located when the data was collected Ð 2 levels: Fixed Factor Day - Date of the experimental trial: Random Factor Wall - Describes if the fish was swimming along the speaker wall or opposite side to it - 2 levels: Fixed Factor Length & Weight Ð weight (gr) and length (mm) of the fish: Fixed Factor Date of data collection: Data were collected between February and March 2015. Location: Chilworth Research Park (50°57'44.6"N 1°25'27.6"W) License: CC BY-NC-ND File created on the 31st of July 2019