READ ME File For 'ValueValues' Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Rafael Melgarejo Heredia, University of Southampton ORCID ID 0000-0001-8058-1447 This dataset supports the thesis entitled Values, Social Imaginaries and the Internet Control AWARDED BY: University of Southampton DATE OF AWARD: 2019 DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA The zip file contains two folders. The first folder "Qualitative" contains 59 Excel files. The name of each excel indicates the number of interview/workshop/focus-group, the country name, the interviewee gender by number of participants, the participant age, and a "U" indicating the university academic for all participants. Within each file there are two sheets regarding the two-section interview described in the methodology section of the thesis, with all the data collected. Interviews were done from November 2016 to may 2018. The second folder contains 89 excel files. The name of each file indicates in two letters the country-name of the top websites collected (e.g. GB Great Britain, US United States and so on). Within each file, there is one sheet with multiple columns. Each column has the data of the country's top-website collected on Amazon's Alexa website ( at a specific time between 27-Jan-2017 11:23 to 27-Apr-2018 10:20. This dataset contains: A zip file named ValueValues containing the two folders described above. Date of data collection: between 27-Jan-2017 11:23 to 27-Apr-2018 10:20 Information about geographic location of data collection: The qualitative data was collected through whether presencial or Skype interviews from participants of different countries. The quantitative data was collected from the Amazon's Alexa website using R. Licence: CC BY-NC Related projects/Funders: SENESCYT and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Related publication: None until December 2, 2019. Date that the file was created: December, 2019.