READ ME File For 'Dataset for: Ion implantation of germanium into silicon for critical coupling control of racetrack resonators' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1170 ReadMe Author: M. M. Milosevic et. al., University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: Ion implantation of germanium into silicon for critical coupling control of racetrack resonators. IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology.(DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2020.2967935) Dates of Data Collection: 1/7/2018 - 10/12/2019 Contents +++++++++ This dataset contains data which are used for generating Fig.3 to Fig.11 (except Fig. 4 and Fig. 9). These figures are plotted using GLE (Graphics Layout Engine). The scripts of Gle are also included in the folds for each figures. In order to generate these figures, you should install Gle The figures are as follows: Fig. 3 Transmission spectrum showing the comparison between simulation and experimental results of un-implanted racetrack resonators. Fig. 5 Raman spectra of Ge implanted silicon before (a-Si) and after annealing using three different power levels of the annealing laser. Fig. 6 Transmission spectra of fabricated racetrack resonators as a function of annealing length at: (a) 35 mW and (b) 45 mW power of annealing laser. Reference label corresponds to an un-implanted racetrack resonator. Fig. 7 Transmission spectra of fabricated and simulated racetrack resonators at different annealed lengths and average coupling power coefficients. The power of annealing laser was 45 mW. Fig. 8 Extinction ratio and quality factor as a function of annealed length for the annealing laser power of 45 mW. Fig. 10 (a) Measured resonant wavelength shift of fabricated racetrack resonators as a function of different annealing position using 5 mW of pulsed laser power. (b) Extracted transmission spectra of fabricated racetrack resonators before and after pulsed wave laser annealing. (c) Extinction ratio of fabricated racetrack resonators as a function of annealing position using 5 mW of pulsed laser power. Optimal annealing length was found at around 9.5 µm. Fig. 11 Raman spectra of Ge-ion implanted silicon annealed using pulsed laser. Geographic location of data collection: University of Southampton, U.K. Related projects: This work was funded by EPSRC project under the “Silicon Photonics for Future Systems” (EP/L00044X/1), “Electronic-Photonic convergence” (EP/N013247/1), “Laser-Engineered Silicon” (EP/M022757/1) and “CORNERSTONE” (EP/L021129/1) projects. Reed is a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award holder. He is grateful to the Wolfson Foundation and the Royal Society for funding of the award. Thomson is grateful to the Royal Society for funding. Yu acknowledges funding from the Scholarship Council of China. Dataset available under a CC BY 4.0 licence Publisher: University of Southampton, U.K. Date: January 2020