READ ME File For 'Dataset for: Characterization of Non-linearities through Mechanical Squashing in Levitated Optomechanic' Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D0967 ReadMe Author: Ashley Setter, University of Southampton, This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS: Ashley Setter TITLE: Characterization of non-linearities through mechanical squeezing in levitated optomechanics JOURNAL: Applied Physics Letters PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: 10.1063/1.5116121 This dataset contains: Channel 1 - particle photodetector Channel 2 - Signal Gen into AOM (for monitoring all input signals (squeezing and cooling)) Channel 3 - FPGA (for triggering on squeezing pulses) Channel 4 - photodetector before chamber (for observation of squeezing pulses and modulation depth measurements of cooling and pulses) | Filename format (replace *s with RunNo) | RunNo | notes | Gain (V/A) | current (BA1/BA2) (mA) | ms/div | MS/s | pressure (mbar) | Cooling Gain (mV) | Sq Pulse Depth | Squeezing Pulse Mod Depth | | CH[X]_RUN000000**_REPEAT0001.raw (where X=[1,2,3,4]) | 25 | reference | 10^5 | 3200 | 200 | 10 | 2.90 +- 0.05 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | C[X]Squeezing_1Pulse_153PulseLen_14070PulseDepth_0.1mbar*****.trc (where X=[1,2,3,4] for run 00000 only, and X=[1] otherwise) | 00000-00562 | | 10^5 | 3200 | 200 | 10 | 1.64e-1 | 0 | -14070 | 78.41 | CH[X]_RUN000000**_REPEAT0001.raw is the reference data taken at a pressure of 2.90 +- 0.05 mbar, assumed to be at 300K and used to extract the conversion factor and mass. The other data C[X]Squeezing_1Pulse_153PulseLen_14070PulseDepth_0.1mbar*****.trc (where X=[1,2,3,4] is the channel number) and ***** is the run number from 00000 to 00562, is the data taken as the squeezing pulses were applied, with saves 00000 to 000499 used to generate the phase space plots found in the paper. Data was analysed with the optoanalysis data package hosted on and at The figures are as follows: Fig. 2 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Date of data collection: 2017 - 2018 Information about geographic location of data collection: Southampton University Licence: CC BY Date that the file was created: 4th May 2018