READ ME file For " Thermal Performance and Physicochemical Stability of Silver Nanoprism-based Nanofluids for Direct Solar Absorption" Dataset DOI: ReadMe Author: Harriet Kimpton, University of Southampton ORCID ID: README file for data associated with publication: Title of Publication: Thermal Performance and Physicochemical Stability of Silver Nanoprism-based Nanofluids for Direct Solar Absorption Authors: Harriet Kimpton, Andrea Cristaldi, Eugen Stulz, Xunli Zhang Journal: Solar Energy Paper DOI: Place of Research: University of Southampton, UK, Facility of Engineering and Physical Sciences Publication Journal: Solar Energy Abreviations: Defined in paper or in data file Date research undertaken: April / May / June 2018 Contents: Figure 1: Publisher file and png - Schematic of solar simulator testing setup - No data with this figure Figure 2: Publisher file and png - Detail of (a) sample holder and (b) ZEN0040 cuvette. All dimensions in mm Figure 3: publisher file and png Data for figure 3 - in excel file File name: UV using optical density all graphs Figure 3 (a) UV-vis results for P-A (10 mm quartz cuvette), and (b) OD (absorbance normalized to procedure P-A) results for P-A and P-B. File name: UV using optical density all graphs Contains: UV-visible data measured with a Varian Cary 300 Bio spectrophotometer over a wavelength of 200 to 900 nm with either a 10 mm (quartz cuvette) or 4 mm (ZEN0040 micro cuvette) path length ZEN0040 micro cuvette obtained from Malvern Panalytical. Note that standard path length of ZEN0040 is 10 mm. This data given here was obtained by rotation of the cuvette through 90o giving a path length of approximately 4 mm. Figure 4: publisher file and png TEM images for P-B1 (a), P-B2 (b) and P-B3 (c) AgNPrs. All scale bars = 100 nm. Figure 5: publisher file and png Modified coating procedure for AgNPrs. - no data associated with this figure Figure 6: publisher file and png Data for figure 6 - in excel file File name: UV using optical density all graphs Figure 6 SiO2@AgNPr (P-C) and SiO2 (P-D) nanofluids prior to solar testing (original values of maximum absorption and cuvette details given in SI Table S1) Figure 7: publisher file and png Figure 7 TEM images for P-C1 (a), P-C2 (b) and P-C3 (b) SiO2@AgNPr, before solar testing. All scale bars = 100 nm. The yellow line on (a) shows how the measurement of the SiO2@AgNPr particles was undertaken. Figure 8: publisher file and png Figure 8. Mean ?T as a function of SSL exposure time. W = water, P-D = SiO2, P-C = SiO2@AgNPr, P-B = AgNPr. Position in solar simulator = Back (B), middle (M) or front (F). File name: Figure 8 SSL data Contains: Temperature measurements with time while nanofluids exposed to simulated sunlight (SSL) Also included are delta T, and mean delta T results. Temperature measurements obtained using RS PRO type K thermocouples of 0.6 mm diameter (temperature range -50 - +250 oC), conforming to IEC 60584 standard Thermocouples connected to a National Instruments NI9211 thermocouple data logger utilising Labview software Table 1: Table 1 SSL results for samples in the middle (M) position File name: Table 1 data Contains: Subsequent calculations using temperature measurements to determine significance. Original calculations utilised Minitab software Data used from Figure 8 SSL data Figure 9: publisher file and png Figure 9 Change in WP with SSL exposure time for AgNPr (P-B) and SiO2@AgNPr (P-C) nanofluids. File name: Figure 9 data Contains: UV-visible data measured with a Varian Cary 300 Bio spectrophotometer over a wavelength of 200 to 900 nm with a 4 mm (ZEN0040 micro cuvette) path length ZEN0040 micro cuvette obtained from Malvern Panalytical. Note that standard path length of ZEN0040 is 10 mm. This data given here was obtained by rotation of the cuvette through 90o giving a path length of approximately 4 mm. Note also that measurements were made with thermocouple and sealing in place and hence height of absorption maxima / path length inconsistent. Data was therefore normalised. This allowed for the exact position of the absorption maxima to be found. Figure 10: publisher file and png Figure 10 UV-vis spectra after exposure to SSL (Average OD results shown) Data for figure 10 - in excel file File name: UV using optical density all graphs Figure 11: publisher file and png Figure 11. UV-vis spectra of SiO2@AgNPr (P-C) initially and after storage in the dark for 3 weeks. Data for figure 11 - in excel file File name: UV using optical density all graphs Figure 12: publisher and png file Figure 12 TEM pictures of AgNPr (a: P-B1, b: P-B2, c: P-B3) and SiO2@AgNPr nanofluids (d: P-C1, e: P-C2, f: P-C3) after SSL exposure (P-B = 12 hours, P-C = 6 hours). All scale bars = 100 nm. Figure 13: publisher and png file Figure 13 Change in UV-vis spectra following exposure to NSL for 2 weeks for P-B and P-C (average OD shown) Data for figure 13 - in excel file File name: UV using optical density all graphs Supplimentary information Tables S1 - S7 - data given in excel file File name: measurement uncertainty Tables S8, S9 and S10 - data in excel file File name: UV using optical density all graphs Size analysis Tables S11 and S12 - data given in excel file File name: TEM measurements Figure S2 - data in excel file File name: copy of spectra summary Table S13 - data in excel file File name: Figure 8 SSL data Table S14 - data in excel file File name: TEM measurements License: CC BY-NC-ND Date this file created: February 2020