READ ME File For Data for An Analysis of Railway Track Behaviour based on Distributed Optical Fibre Acoustic Sensing Dataset DOI: 10.5258/SOTON/D1253 ReadMe Author: David Milne, University of Southampton This dataset supports the publication: AUTHORS:David Robert Michael Milne; Ali Mausoudi; Edgar Ferro; Geoff Watson; Louis Le Pen TITLE:An Analysis of Railway Track Behaviour based on Distributed Optical Fibre Acoustic Sensing JOURNAL: Mechanical systems and signal processing PAPER DOI IF KNOWN: This dataset contains: DAS strain and conventional lineside monitoring (strain gauges and DIC deflection) data used in the article Raw strain, down sampled to 200 Hz is stored as a .csv Processed data used for figures is stored by tab in the .xlxs. The figures are as follows: Figure 7 Integrated strain amplitude along the fibre in time, showing sections for later analysis Figure 8 a) Strain in time at section A-A, b) Strain along the rail at an instance in time, (section B-B), c) Strain beneath a moving wheel (Section C-C). Figure 9 Foil strain gauge data, (a) unfiltered and (b) bandpass filtered between 0.1 and 3 Hz in section A-A. Figure 10 DIC data for rail deflection within section A-A. Figure 11 a) curvature, b) displacements and c) load per sleeper end obtained by analysing strain from the upper and lower fibres at section A-A. Figure 12 Load deflection behaviour at A-A 5.6 m along the rail (a-c) and at D-D 9.6 m along the rail (d-f). Date of data collection:2018/2019 Information about geographic location of data collection: UK Licence: CC BY Related projects: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through Track to the Future (EP/M025276/1) and Trackside Optical Fibre Acoustic Sensing (EP/N00437X/1). Date that the file was created: 02/2020